Function libindy_sys::indy_crypto_verify[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn indy_crypto_verify(
    command_handle: indy_handle_t,
    signer_vk: *const c_char,
    message_raw: *const indy_u8_t,
    message_len: indy_u32_t,
    signature_raw: *const indy_u8_t,
    signature_len: indy_u32_t,
    cb: indy_bool_cb
) -> indy_error_t

Verify a signature with a verkey.

Note to use DID keys with this function you can call indy_key_for_did to get key id (verkey) for specific DID.

#Params command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context. signer_vk: verkey of signer of the message message_raw: a pointer to first byte of message that has been signed message_len: a message length signature_raw: a pointer to first byte of signature to be verified signature_len: a signature length cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.

#Returns valid: true - if signature is valid, false - otherwise

#Errors Common* Wallet* Ledger* Crypto*