Function libindy_sys::indy_issuer_merge_revocation_registry_deltas[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn indy_issuer_merge_revocation_registry_deltas(
    command_handle: indy_handle_t,
    rev_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
    other_rev_reg_delta_json: *const c_char,
    cb: indy_str_cb
) -> indy_error_t

Merge two revocation registry deltas (returned by indy_issuer_create_credential or indy_issuer_revoke_credential) to accumulate common delta. Send common delta to ledger to reduce the load.

#Params command_handle: command handle to map callback to user context. rev_reg_delta_json: revocation registry delta. other_rev_reg_delta_json: revocation registry delta for which PrevAccum value is equal to current accum value of rev_reg_delta_json. cb: Callback that takes command result as parameter.

#Returns merged_rev_reg_delta: Merged revocation registry delta

#Errors Annoncreds* Common* Wallet*