Function libindy_sys::indy_create_pool_ledger_config[][src]

pub unsafe extern "C" fn indy_create_pool_ledger_config(
    command_handle: indy_handle_t,
    config_name: *const c_char,
    config: *const c_char,
    cb: indy_empty_cb
) -> indy_error_t

Creates a new local pool ledger configuration that can be used later to connect pool nodes.

#Params config_name: Name of the pool ledger configuration. config (optional): Pool configuration json. if NULL, then default config will be used. Example: { "genesis_txn": string (optional), A path to genesis transaction file. If NULL, then a default one will be used. If file doesn't exists default one will be created. }

#Returns Error code

#Errors Common* Ledger*