[][src]Function libfuse_sys::fuse_lowlevel::fuse_reply_ioctl_retry

pub unsafe extern "C" fn fuse_reply_ioctl_retry(
    req: fuse_req_t,
    in_iov: *const iovec,
    in_count: usize,
    out_iov: *const iovec,
    out_count: usize
) -> c_int

Reply to ask for data fetch and output buffer preparation. ioctl will be retried with the specified input data fetched and output buffer prepared.

Possible requests: ioctl

@param req request handle @param in_iov iovec specifying data to fetch from the caller @param in_count number of entries in in_iov @param out_iov iovec specifying addresses to write output to @param out_count number of entries in out_iov @return zero for success, -errno for failure to send reply