Crate franka[][src]

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libfranka-rs is a library to control Franka Emika research robots. It is an unofficial port of libfranka.



The design of this library is very similar to the original library. All files are named like their libfranka counterparts and contain the same functionality apart from some exceptions.

The library is divided into three main Modules:

  • gripper - contains everything which is only needed for controlling the gripper.
  • model - contains everything needed for using the model.
  • robot - contains everything which is only needed for controlling the robot.


 use std::time::Duration;
 use std::f64::consts::PI;
 use franka::{JointPositions, MotionFinished, RobotState, Robot, FrankaResult};
 fn main() -> FrankaResult<()> {
 let mut robot = Robot::new("", None, None)?;
     robot.set_collision_behavior([20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 18.0, 16.0, 14.0, 12.0], [20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 18.0, 16.0, 14.0, 12.0],
                                  [20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 18.0, 16.0, 14.0, 12.0], [20.0, 20.0, 18.0, 18.0, 16.0, 14.0, 12.0],
                                  [20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0], [20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0],
                                  [20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0], [20.0, 20.0, 20.0, 25.0, 25.0, 25.0])?;
     let q_goal = [0., -PI / 4., 0., -3. * PI / 4., 0., PI / 2., PI / 4.];
     robot.joint_motion(0.5, &q_goal)?;
     let mut initial_position = JointPositions::new([0.0; 7]);
     let mut time = 0.;
     let callback = |state: &RobotState, time_step: &Duration| -> JointPositions {
         time += time_step.as_secs_f64();
         if time == 0. {
             initial_position.q = state.q_d;
         let mut out = JointPositions::new(initial_position.q);
         let delta_angle = PI / 8. * (1. - f64::cos(PI / 2.5 * time));
         out.q[3] += delta_angle;
         out.q[4] += delta_angle;
         out.q[6] += delta_angle;
         if time >= 5.0 {
             return out.motion_finished();
     robot.control_joint_positions(callback, None, None, None)

The main function returns a FrankaResult<()> which means that it returns either Ok(()) or an Error of type FrankaException which correspond to the C++ exceptions in libfranka.

let mut robot = Robot::new("", None, None)?;

connects with the robot. You can either provide an IP Adress or a hostname. The other options are for setting the RealtimeConfig and the logger size. But we are happy with the defaults so we set them to none. With the “?” we forward eventual errors like “Connection refused” for example


this specifies the default collision behavior, joint impedance and Cartesian impedance

let q_goal = [0., -PI / 4., 0., -3. * PI / 4., 0., PI / 2., PI / 4.];
robot.joint_motion(0.5, &q_goal)?;

These lines specify a joint position goal and moves the robot at 50% of its max speed towards the goal. In this case we use it to bring the robot into his home position

let mut initial_position = JointPositions::new([0.0; 7]);

Here we define a variable for the initial joint position. You cannot set the right values here because they will change until you are in the control loop. Therefore it is necessary sepcify them at the first time the controll loop is executed like here:

if time == 0. {
    initial_position.q = state.q_d;
let mut out = JointPositions::new(initial_position.q);
let delta_angle = PI / 8. * (1. - f64::cos(PI / 2.5 * time));
out.q[3] += delta_angle;
out.q[4] += delta_angle;
out.q[6] += delta_angle;

Here we define our desired JointPositions. It is important that we provide a smooth signal to the robot, therfore we use a cosine function. Without it we would get a CommandException while running.

if time >= 5.0 {
    return out.motion_finished();

Unitl 5 seconds have passed we just return our JointPositions. As we want to stop the control loop after 5 seconds. We tell the robot that this is our last command and that we want to exit the control loop.

All of this we put inside our closure (they are called lambda-functions in C++) callback

let callback = |state: &RobotState, time_step: &Duration| -> JointPositions {...}

Our callback Takes a immutable Reference to a RobotState and a immutable reference to the passed time since the callback was exectued the last time (the time is zero at the first call of the function) and returns JointPositions.

With this callback we can now control the joint positions of the robot:

robot.control_joint_positions(callback, None, None, None)

There are optional arguments for specifing the Controller mode, rate limiting and the cutoff frequency. As we are happy with the defaults we set them to None. Note that this function returns a FrankaResult. As it is the last statement of the main method we do not have to forward the error with a “?”.


pub use exception::FrankaResult;
pub use gripper::gripper_state::GripperState;
pub use gripper::Gripper;
pub use model::Frame;
pub use model::Model;
pub use robot::control_types::*;
pub use robot::low_pass_filter::kDefaultCutoffFrequency;
pub use robot::low_pass_filter::kMaxCutoffFrequency;
pub use robot::robot_state::RobotState;
pub use robot::Robot;
pub use utils::*;



Contains exception and Result definitions


Contains the franka::Gripper type.


Contains model library types.


Contains the franka::Robot type.


contains useful type definitions and conversion functions.