Struct franka::robot::Robot[][src]

pub struct Robot { /* fields omitted */ }

Maintains a network connection to the robot, provides the current robot state, gives access to the model library and allows to control the robot.

Nominal end effector frame NE

The nominal end effector frame is configured outside of libfranka-rs and cannot be changed here.

End effector frame EE

By default, the end effector frame EE is the same as the nominal end effector frame NE (i.e. the transformation between NE and EE is the identity transformation). With set_EE, a custom transformation matrix can be set.

Stiffness frame K

The stiffness frame is used for Cartesian impedance control, and for measuring and applying forces. It can be set with set_K.

Motion generation and joint-level torque commands

The following methods allow to perform motion generation and/or send joint-level torque commands without gravity and friction by providing callback functions.

Only one of these methods can be active at the same time; a ControlException is thrown otherwise.

When a robot state is received, the callback function is used to calculate the response: the desired values for that time step. After sending back the response, the callback function will be called again with the most recently received robot state. Since the robot is controlled with a 1 kHz frequency, the callback functions have to compute their result in a short time frame in order to be accepted. Callback functions take two parameters:

  • A &franka::RobotState showing the current robot state.
  • A &std::time::Duration to indicate the time since the last callback invocation. Thus, the duration is zero on the first invocation of the callback function!

The following incomplete example shows the general structure of a callback function:

use franka::robot::robot_state::RobotState;
use franka::robot::control_types::{JointPositions, MotionFinished};
use std::time::Duration;
let mut time = 0.;
let callback = |state: &RobotState, time_step: &Duration| -> JointPositions {
    time += time_step.as_secs_f64();
    let out: JointPositions = your_function_which_generates_joint_positions(time);
    if time >= 5.0 {
        return out.motion_finished();
    return out;


Commands are executed by communicating with the robot over the network. These functions should therefore not be called from within control or motion generator loops.


impl Robot[src]

pub fn new<RtConfig: Into<Option<RealtimeConfig>>, LogSize: Into<Option<usize>>>(
    franka_address: &str,
    realtime_config: RtConfig,
    log_size: LogSize
) -> FrankaResult<Robot>

Establishes a connection with the robot.


  • franka_address - IP/hostname of the robot.
  • realtime_config - if set to Enforce, an exception will be thrown if realtime priority cannot be set when required. Setting realtime_config to Ignore disables this behavior. Default is Enforce
  • log_size - sets how many last states should be kept for logging purposes. The log is provided when a ControlException is thrown.


use franka::{FrankaResult, RealtimeConfig, Robot};
fn main() -> FrankaResult<()> {
    // connects to the robot using real-time scheduling and a default log size of 50.
    let mut robot = Robot::new("", None, None)?;
    // connects to the robot without using real-time scheduling and a log size of 1.
    let mut robot = Robot::new("", RealtimeConfig::kIgnore, 1)?;


  • NetworkException if the connection is unsuccessful.
  • IncompatibleVersionException if this version of libfranka-rs is not supported.

pub fn read<F: FnMut(&RobotState) -> bool>(
    &mut self,
    read_callback: F
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a loop for reading the current robot state.

Cannot be executed while a control or motion generator loop is running.

This minimal example will print the robot state 100 times:

use franka::{Robot, RobotState, FrankaResult};
fn main() -> FrankaResult<()> {
    let mut robot = Robot::new("",None,None)?;
    let mut count = 0;| robot_state:&RobotState | -> bool {
        println!("{:?}", robot_state);
        count += 1;
        count <= 100


  • read_callback - Callback function for robot state reading. The callback hast to return true aslong as it wants to receive further robot states.


pub fn read_once(&mut self) -> FrankaResult<RobotState>[src]

Waits for a robot state update and returns it.


Current robot state.


See Robot::read for a way to repeatedly receive the robot state.

pub fn set_collision_behavior(
    &mut self,
    lower_torque_thresholds_acceleration: [f64; 7],
    upper_torque_thresholds_acceleration: [f64; 7],
    lower_torque_thresholds_nominal: [f64; 7],
    upper_torque_thresholds_nominal: [f64; 7],
    lower_force_thresholds_acceleration: [f64; 6],
    upper_force_thresholds_acceleration: [f64; 6],
    lower_force_thresholds_nominal: [f64; 6],
    upper_force_thresholds_nominal: [f64; 6]
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Changes the collision behavior.

Set separate torque and force boundaries for acceleration/deceleration and constant velocity movement phases.

Forces or torques between lower and upper threshold are shown as contacts in the RobotState. Forces or torques above the upper threshold are registered as collision and cause the robot to stop moving.


  • lower_torque_thresholds_acceleration - Contact torque thresholds during acceleration/deceleration for each joint in [Nm]
  • upper_torque_thresholds_acceleration - Collision torque thresholds during acceleration/deceleration for each joint in [Nm]
  • lower_torque_thresholds_nominal - Contact torque thresholds for each joint in [Nm]
  • upper_torque_thresholds_nominal - Collision torque thresholds for each joint in [Nm]
  • lower_force_thresholds_acceleration -Contact force thresholds during acceleration/deceleration for (x,y,z,R,P,Y) in [N].
  • upper_force_thresholds_acceleration - Collision force thresholds during acceleration/deceleration for (x,y,z,R,P,Y) in [N].
  • lower_force_thresholds_nominal - Contact force thresholds for (x,y,z,R,P,Y) in [N]
  • upper_force_thresholds_nominal - Collision force thresholds for (x,y,z,R,P,Y) in [N]


See also

pub fn set_joint_impedance(&mut self, K_theta: [f64; 7]) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Sets the impedance for each joint in the internal controller.

User-provided torques are not affected by this setting.


  • K_theta - Joint impedance values K_{\theta}.


pub fn set_cartesian_impedance(&mut self, K_x: [f64; 6]) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Sets the Cartesian impedance for (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw) in the internal controller.

User-provided torques are not affected by this setting.


  • K_x - Cartesian impedance values

K_x=(x \in [10,3000] \frac{N}{m}, y \in [10,3000] \frac{N}{m}, z \in [10,3000] \frac{N}{m}, R \in [1,300] \frac{Nm}{rad}, P \in [1,300] \frac{Nm}{rad}, Y \in [1,300]  \frac{Nm}{rad})


pub fn set_guiding_mode(
    &mut self,
    guiding_mode: [bool; 6],
    elbow: bool
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Locks or unlocks guiding mode movement in (x, y, z, roll, pitch, yaw).

If a flag is set to true, movement is unlocked.


Guiding mode can be enabled by pressing the two opposing buttons near the robot’s flange.


  • guiding_mode - Unlocked movement in (x, y, z, R, P, Y) in guiding mode.
  • elbow - True if the elbow is free in guiding mode, false otherwise.


pub fn set_K(&mut self, EE_T_K: [f64; 16]) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Sets the transformation ^{EE}T_K from end effector frame to stiffness frame.

The transformation matrix is represented as a vectorized 4x4 matrix in column-major format.


  • EE_T_K - Vectorized EE-to-K transformation matrix ^{EE}T_K, column-major.


See Stiffness frame K for an explanation of the stiffness frame.

pub fn set_EE(&mut self, NE_T_EE: [f64; 16]) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Sets the transformation ^{NE}T_{EE} from nominal end effector to end effector frame.

The transformation matrix is represented as a vectorized 4x4 matrix in column-major format.


  • NE_T_EE - Vectorized NE-to-EE transformation matrix ^{NE}T_{EE}, column-major.


See also

pub fn set_load(
    &mut self,
    load_mass: f64,
    F_x_Cload: [f64; 3],
    load_inertia: [f64; 9]
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Sets dynamic parameters of a payload.

The transformation matrix is represented as a vectorized 4x4 matrix in column-major format.


This is not for setting end effector parameters, which have to be set in the administrator’s interface.


  • load_mass - Mass of the load in [kg]
  • F_x_Cload - Translation from flange to center of mass of load ^Fx_{C_\text{load}} in [m]
  • load_inertia - Inertia matrix I_\text{load} in [kg \times m^2], column-major.


pub fn set_filters(
    &mut self,
    joint_position_filter_frequency: f64,
    joint_velocity_filter_frequency: f64,
    cartesian_position_filter_frequency: f64,
    cartesian_velocity_filter_frequency: f64,
    controller_filter_frequency: f64
) -> FrankaResult<()>

👎 Deprecated:

please use low_pass_filter instead

Sets the cut off frequency for the given motion generator or controller.

Allowed input range for all the filters is between 1.0 Hz and 1000.0 Hz. If the value is set to maximum (1000Hz) then no filtering is done.


  • joint_position_filter_frequency - Frequency at which the commanded joint position is cut off.
  • joint_velocity_filter_frequency - TFrequency at which the commanded joint velocity is cut off.
  • cartesian_position_filter_frequency - Frequency at which the commanded Cartesian position is cut off.
  • cartesian_velocity_filter_frequency - Frequency at which the commanded Cartesian velocity is cut off.
  • controller_filter_frequency - Frequency at which the commanded torque is cut off


pub fn automatic_error_recovery(&mut self) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Runs automatic error recovery on the robot.

Automatic error recovery e.g. resets the robot after a collision occurred.


pub fn stop(&mut self) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Stops all currently running motions.

If a control or motion generator loop is running in another thread, it will be preempted with a ControlException.


pub fn get_virtual_wall(&mut self, id: i32) -> FrankaResult<VirtualWallCuboid>[src]

Returns the parameters of a virtual wall.


  • id - ID of the virtual wall.


Parameters of virtual wall.


pub fn control_joint_positions<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> JointPositions, CM: Into<Option<ControllerMode>>, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    controller_mode: CM,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for a joint position motion generator with a given controller mode.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • controller_mode Controller to use to execute the motion. Default is joint impedance
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint position commands are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_joint_velocities<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> JointVelocities, CM: Into<Option<ControllerMode>>, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    controller_mode: CM,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for a joint velocity motion generator with a given controller mode.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • controller_mode Controller to use to execute the motion. Default is joint impedance
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint velocity commands are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_cartesian_pose<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> CartesianPose, CM: Into<Option<ControllerMode>>, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    controller_mode: CM,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for a Cartesian pose motion generator with a given controller mode.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • controller_mode Controller to use to execute the motion. Default is joint impedance
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if Cartesian pose command elements are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_cartesian_velocities<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> CartesianVelocities, CM: Into<Option<ControllerMode>>, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    controller_mode: CM,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for a Cartesian velocity motion generator with a given controller mode.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • controller_mode Controller to use to execute the motion. Default is joint impedance
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if Cartesian velocity command elements are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_torques_and_joint_velocities<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> JointVelocities, T: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> Torques, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    control_callback: T,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for sending joint-level torque commands and joint velocities.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • control_callback Callback function providing joint-level torque commands. See here for more details.
  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint-level torque or joint velocity commands are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_torques_and_joint_positions<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> JointPositions, T: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> Torques, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    control_callback: T,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for sending joint-level torque commands and joint positions.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • control_callback Callback function providing joint-level torque commands. See here for more details.
  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint-level torque or joint position commands are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_torques_and_cartesian_pose<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> CartesianPose, T: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> Torques, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    control_callback: T,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for sending joint-level torque commands and Cartesian poses.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • control_callback Callback function providing joint-level torque commands. See here for more details.
  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint-level torque or Cartesian pose command elements are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_torques_and_cartesian_velocities<F: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> CartesianVelocities, T: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> Torques, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    control_callback: T,
    motion_generator_callback: F,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for sending joint-level torque commands and Cartesian velocities.

Sets realtime priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • control_callback Callback function providing joint-level torque commands. See here for more details.
  • motion_generator_callback Callback function for motion generation. See here for more details.
  • limit_rate True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint-level torque or Cartesian velocity command elements are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if realtime priority cannot be set.

pub fn control_torques<T: FnMut(&RobotState, &Duration) -> Torques, L: Into<Option<bool>>, CF: Into<Option<f64>>>(
    &mut self,
    control_callback: T,
    limit_rate: L,
    cutoff_frequency: CF
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Starts a control loop for sending joint-level torque commands.

Sets real-time priority for the current thread. Cannot be executed while another control or motion generator loop is active.


  • control_callback - Callback function providing joint-level torque commands. See here for more details.
  • limit_rate - True if rate limiting should be activated. True by default. This could distort your motion!
  • cutoff_frequency - Cutoff frequency for a first order low-pass filter applied on the user commanded signal. Set to kMaxCutoffFrequency to disable. Default is 100 Hz



  • if joint-level torque commands are NaN or infinity.

See new to change behavior if real-time priority cannot be set.

pub fn set_default_behavior(&mut self) -> FrankaResult<()>[src]

Sets a default collision behavior, joint impedance and Cartesian impedance.


pub fn joint_motion(
    &mut self,
    speed_factor: f64,
    q_goal: &[f64; 7]
) -> FrankaResult<()>

Executes a joint pose motion to a goal position. Adapted from: Wisama Khalil and Etienne Dombre. 2002. Modeling, Identification and Control of Robots (Kogan Page Science Paper edition).


  • speed_factor - General speed factor in range [0, 1].
  • q_goal - Target joint positions.

pub fn load_model(&mut self, persistent: bool) -> FrankaResult<Model>[src]

Loads the model library from the robot.


  • persistent - If set to true the model will be stored at /tmp/


Model instance.


pub fn server_version(&self) -> u16[src]

Returns the software version reported by the connected server.


Software version of the connected server.

Auto Trait Implementations

impl RefUnwindSafe for Robot

impl Send for Robot

impl Sync for Robot

impl Unpin for Robot

impl UnwindSafe for Robot

Blanket Implementations

impl<T> Any for T where
    T: 'static + ?Sized

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T where
    T: ?Sized

impl<T> From<T> for T[src]

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T where
    U: From<T>, 

impl<T> Same<T> for T

type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<SS, SP> SupersetOf<SS> for SP where
    SS: SubsetOf<SP>, 

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T where
    U: Into<T>, 

type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T where
    U: TryFrom<T>, 

type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

impl<V, T> VZip<V> for T where
    V: MultiLane<T>,