[][src]Function libffi::low::prep_cif

pub unsafe fn prep_cif(
    cif: *mut ffi_cif,
    abi: ffi_abi,
    nargs: usize,
    rtype: *mut ffi_type,
    atypes: *mut *mut ffi_type
) -> Result<()>

Initalizes a CIF (Call Interface) with the given ABI and types.

We need to initialize a CIF before we can use it to call a function or create a closure. This function lets us specify the calling convention to use and the argument and result types. For varargs CIF initialization, see prep_cif_var.


The CIF cif retains references to rtype and atypes, so if they are no longer live when the CIF is used then the behavior is undefined.


  • cif — the CIF to initialize
  • abi — the calling convention to use
  • nargs — the number of arguments
  • rtype — the result type
  • atypes — the argument types (length must be at least nargs)


Ok(()) for success or Err(e) for failure.


use libffi::low::*;

let mut args: [*mut ffi_type; 2] = unsafe {
    [ &mut types::sint32,
      &mut types::uint64 ]
let mut cif: ffi_cif = Default::default();

unsafe {
    prep_cif(&mut cif, ffi_abi_FFI_DEFAULT_ABI, 2,
             &mut types::pointer, args.as_mut_ptr())