[−][src]Crate libeyelink_sys
pub use self::_EL_CAL_BEEP as EL_CAL_BEEP; |
DEVENT | @ingroup messaging \brief Floating-point eye event with floating point time |
DIOEVENT | @ingroup messaging \brief Button, input, other simple events with floating point time. |
DMESSAGE | @ingroup messaging \brief Message events: usually text but may contain binary data with floating point time. |
DSAMPLE | @ingroup messaging \brief Floating-point sample with floating point time |
ELINKNODE | \brief Name and address for connection. |
EYEBITMAP | @ingroup display \brief Represents a bitmap image |
EYECOLOR | @ingroup display \brief Represents an RGB color. |
EYEPALETTE | @ingroup display \brief Represents a palette index. |
EYEPIXELFORMAT | @ingroup display \brief Represents pixel format of an image or surface. |
FEVENT | @ingroup messaging \brief Floating-point eye event |
FSAMPLE | @ingroup messaging \brief Floating-point sample |
FSAMPLE_RAW | @internal Used to access raw online data. |
HOOKFCNS | @ingroup display \brief Structure used set and get callback functions |
HOOKFCNS2 | @ingroup display \brief Structure used set and get callback functions |
IEVENT | @ingroup messaging \brief Integer eye-movement events |
ILINKDATA | \brief Class to represent tracker status. |
IMAGE_PALDATA | @internal |
IMAGE_PALDATA__bindgen_ty_1 | |
IMESSAGE | @ingroup messaging \brief Message events: usually text but may contain binary data |
IOEVENT | @ingroup messaging \brief Button, input, other simple events |
ISAMPLE | @ingroup messaging \brief Integer sample data |
KeyInput | @ingroup display \brief Keyboard input event structure |
MICRO | @ingroup access_time_local Structure to hold msec and usec. \sa current_micro |
MouseButtonEvent | @ingroup display \brief Mouse button event structure (For future) |
MouseMotionEvent | @ingroup display \brief Mouse motion event structure (For future) |
_CrossHairInfo | @ingroup display \brief Structure to hold cross hair information. |
eye_broadcast_address | |
our_address | |
rem_broadcast_address |
alert_printf⚠ | displays general STOP-icon alert box text is formatted via printf-like arguments When an error occurs, a notification must be given to the user. If no alert_printf_hook is set, this function uses the Windows MessageBox() function in windows. On other platforms printf is called. |
application_terminated⚠ | |
begin_realtime_mode⚠ | Sets up for realtime execution (minimum delays)
This may take some time (assume up to 100 msec)
break_pressed⚠ | @ingroup keyinput Tests if the program is being interrupted. You should break out of loops immediately if this function does not return \c 0, if \c getkey() return \c TERMINATE_KEY, or if \c eyelink_is_connected() returns \c 0. |
check_filename_characters⚠ | @ingroup datafile Checks file name for legality. Attempts to ensure cross-platform for viewer. No spaces allowed as this interferes with messages. Assume viewer will translate forward/backward slash. Windows: don't allow <>:"/| Also, device names, such as aux, con, lpt1, and prn are not allowed in windows. forward slashes is missed. |
check_record_exit⚠ | call at end of trial, return result * check if we are in Abort menu after recording stopped * returns trial exit code * Checks if we are in Abort menu after recording stopped and returns trial exit code. Call this function on leaving a trial. It checks if the EyeLink tracker is displaying the Abort menu, and handles it if required. The return value from this function should be returned as the trial result code. |
check_recording⚠ | Check if we are recording: if not, report an error * Also calls record_abort_hide() if recording aborted * Returns 0 if recording in progress * Returns ABORT_EXPT if link disconnected * Handles recors abort menu if trial interrupted * Returns TRIAL_ERROR if other non-recording state * Typical use is * if((error=check_recording())!=0) return error; * Check if we are recording: if not, report an error. Call this function while recording. It will return \c 0 if recording is still in progress, or an error code if not. It will also handle the EyeLink Abort menu by calling \c record_abort_handler(). Any errors returned by this function should be returned by the trial function. On error, this will disable realtime mode and restore the heuristic. |
close_data_file⚠ | Closes EDF file on tracker hard disk Closes any open EDF file. |
close_eyelink_connection⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Closes any connection to the eye tracker, and closes the link. |
close_eyelink_system⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Resets the EyeLink library, releases the system resources used by the millisecond clock. |
close_message_file⚠ | @ingroup message_file Flush and close message file, opened by open_message_file. |
create_path⚠ | @ingroup datafile Checks if path exists. Will create directory if 'create'. Creates directory from last name in 'path', unless ends with '' or 'is_dir' nonzero. Otherwise, last item is assumed to be filename and is dropped. |
current_double_usec⚠ | @ingroup access_time_local Returns the current microsecond as double (56 bits) since the initialization. Equivalent to \c current_micro() and \c current_usec(). |
current_micro⚠ | @ingroup access_time_local Returns the current microsecond since the initialization. Equivalent to \c current_usec() and \c current_double_usec(). |
current_time⚠ | @ingroup access_time_local Returns the current millisecond since the initialization. |
current_usec⚠ | @ingroup access_time_local Returns the current microsecond since the initialization. Equivalent to \c current_micro() and \c current_double_usec(). |
do_drift_correct⚠ | PERFORM DRIFT CORRECTION ON TRACKER Performs a drift correction, with target at (x,y). * If operator aborts with ESC, we assume there's a setup * problem and go to the setup menu (which may clear the * display). Redraw display if needed and repeat the * call to do_drift_correct() in this case. * ARGS: x, y: position of target * draw: draws target if 1, 0 if you draw target first * allow_setup: 0 disables ESC key setup mode entry * RETURNS: 0 if OK, 27 if Setup was called, TERMINATE_KEY if pressed * Performs a drift correction before a trial. |
do_drift_correctf⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Performs a drift correction before a trial. Same as do_drift_correct() except, this takes the x,y values as float. |
do_tracker_setup⚠ | Starts tracker into Setup Menu. * From this the operator can do camera setup, calibrations, etc. * Pressing ESC on the tracker exits. * Leaving the setup menu on the tracker (ESC) key) also exits. * RETURNS: 0 if OK, 27 if aborted, TERMINATE_KEY if pressed * Switches the EyeLink tracker to the Setup menu, from which camera setup, calibration, validation, drift correction, and configuration may be performed. Pressing the 'ESC' key on the tracker keyboard will exit the Setup menu and return from this function. Calling \c exit_calibration() from an event handler will cause any call to \c do_tracker_setup() in progress to return immediately. |
echo_key⚠ | Calls getkey(), also sends keys to tracker for remote control * User implementation allows filtering of keys before sending * returns same codes as getkey() * Checks for Windows keystroke events and dispatches messages; similar to \c getkey(), but also sends keystroke to tracker. |
el_bitmap_save⚠ | @ingroup bitmap_save This function saves the entire bitmap or selected part of a bitmap in an image file (with an extension of .png, .bmp, .jpg, or .tif). It creates the specified file if this file does not exist. |
el_bitmap_save_and_backdrop⚠ | @ingroup bitmap_save This function saves the entire bitmap as a .BMP, .JPG, .PNG, or .TIF file, and transfers the image to tracker as backdrop for gaze cursors. |
el_bitmap_to_backdrop⚠ | @ingroup bitmap_save This function transfers the bitmap to the tracker PC as backdrop for gaze cursors. |
end_realtime_mode⚠ | Exits realtime execution mode Typically just lowers priority Returns the application to a priority slightly above normal, to end realtime mode. This function should execute rapidly, but there is the possibility that Windows will allow other tasks to run after this call, causing delays of 1-20 milliseconds. |
escape_pressed⚠ | @ingroup keyinput This function tests if the 'ESC' key is held down, and is usually used to break out of nested loops. This does not allow processing of Windows messages, unlike \c getkey(). |
exit_calibration⚠ | CALIBRATION, DRIFT CORRECTION CONTROL Call this to stop calibration/drift correction in progress This could be called from a Windows message handler This function should be called from an message or event handler if an ongoing call to \c do_drift_correct() or \c do_tracker_setup() should return immediately. |
eyecmd_printf⚠ | link command formatting * use just like printf() * returns command result * allows 500 msec. for command to finish * The EyeLink tracker accepts text commands through the link. These commands may be used to configure the system, open data files, and so on. |
eyelink2_mode_data⚠ | @ingroup recording \deprecated Use \c eyelink_mode_data() instead. |
eyelink_abort⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Places EyeLink tracker in off-line (idle) mode. |
eyelink_abort_image⚠ | @internal |
eyelink_accept_trigger⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Triggers the EyeLink tracker to accept a fixation on a target, similar to the 'Enter' key or spacebar on the tracker. |
eyelink_apply_driftcorr⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Applies the results of the last drift correction. This is not done automatically after a drift correction, allowing the message returned by \c eyelink_cal_message() to be examined first. |
eyelink_bitmap_ack_count⚠ | @internal Get bitmap ack count. Negative: special code or sequence number to restart at. Reading resets count to 0. @remark This function is strictly internal. If you need to send bitmap to the tracker, use el_bitmap_to_backdrop(), gdi_bitmap_to_backdrop() or sdl_bitmap_to_backdrop(). |
eyelink_bitmap_packet⚠ | @internal Send bitmap data packet to tracker. @remark This function is strictly internal. If you need to send bitmap to the tracker, use el_bitmap_to_backdrop(), gdi_bitmap_to_backdrop() or sdl_bitmap_to_backdrop(). @param data pointer of the data to be sent. @param size size of the data to be sent. @param seq \c 1 for first packet, increases thereafter. |
eyelink_broadcast_open⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Allows a third computer to listen in on a session between the eye tracker and a controlling remote machine. This allows it to receive data during recording and playback, and to monitor the eye tracker mode. The local computer will not be able to send commands to the eye tracker, but may be able to send messages or request the tracker time. |
eyelink_button_states⚠ | @ingroup elbutton Returns a flag word with bits set to indicate which tracker buttons are currently pressed. This is button 1 for the LSB, up to button 16 for the MSB. |
eyelink_cal_message⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Returns text associated with result of last calibration, validation, or drift correction. This usually specifies errors or other statistics. |
eyelink_cal_result⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Checks for a numeric result code returned by calibration, validation, or drift correction. |
eyelink_calculate_overallvelocity_and_acceleration⚠ | @ingroup velocity_acceleration Calculates overall velocity and acceleration for left and right eyes separately. @param[in] slen Sample model to use for velocity calculation. Acceptable models are \c FIVE_SAMPLE_MODEL, \c NINE_SAMPLE_MODEL, \c SEVENTEEN_SAMPLE_MODEL and \c EL1000_TRACKER_MODEL. @param[out] vel A float array of 2 to fill in the calculated velocity results. Upon return of this function, vel[0] will contain overall velocity for left eye and vel[1] will contain overall velocity for right eye. If velocity cannot be calculated for any reason(eg. insufficient samples, no data) MISSING_DATA is filled for the given velocity. @param[out] acc A float array of 2 to fill in the calculated acceleration results. Upon return of this function, acc[0] will contain overall acceleration for left eye and acc[1] will contain overall acceleration for right eye. If acceleration cannot be calculated for any reason(eg. insufficient samples, no data) MISSING_DATA is filled for the given acceleration. @param[out] vel_sample Velocity for sample. Expects a FSAMPLE structure to fill in the sample, the velocity is calculated for. |
eyelink_calculate_velocity⚠ | @ingroup velocity_acceleration Calculates overall velocity for left and right eyes separately. @param[in] slen Sample model to use for velocity calculation. Acceptable models are \c FIVE_SAMPLE_MODEL, \c NINE_SAMPLE_MODEL, \c SEVENTEEN_SAMPLE_MODEL and \c EL1000_TRACKER_MODEL. @param[out] vel A float array of 2 to fill in the calculated results. Upon return of this function, vel[0] will contain overall velocity for left eye and vel[1] will contain overall velocity for right eye. If velocity cannot be calculated for any reason(eg. insufficient samples, no data) MISSING_DATA is filled for the given velocity. @param[out] vel_sample Velocity for sample. Expects a FSAMPLE structure to fill in the sample, the velocity is calculated for. |
eyelink_calculate_velocity_x_y⚠ | @ingroup velocity_acceleration Calculates left x velocity, left y velocity, right x velocity and right y velocity from queue of samples. @param[in] slen Sample model to use for velocity calculation. Acceptable models are \c FIVE_SAMPLE_MODEL, \c NINE_SAMPLE_MODEL, \c SEVENTEEN_SAMPLE_MODEL and \c EL1000_TRACKER_MODEL. @param[out] xvel Left and right x velocity. Expects an array of 2 elements of floats. The array is filled with left and right velocity values. Upon return of this function xvel[0] contains the left x velocity data and xvel[1] contains right x velocity data. If velocity cannot be calculated for any reason(eg. insufficient samples, no data) MISSING_DATA is filled for the given velocity. @param[out] yvel Left and right y velocity. Expects an array of 2 elements of floats. The array is filled with left and right velocity values. Upon return of this function yvel[0] contains the left y velocity data and xvel[1] contains right y velocity data. If velocity cannot be calculated for any reason(eg. insufficient samples, no data) MISSING_DATA is filled for the given velocity. @param[out] vel_sample Velocity for sample. Expects a FSAMPLE structure to fill in the sample, the velocity is calculated for. |
eyelink_close⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Sends a disconnect message to the EyeLink tracker, resets the link data system. |
eyelink_command_result⚠ | @ingroup messaging Check for and retrieves the numeric result code sent by the tracker from the last command. |
eyelink_current_mode⚠ | @ingroup eyelink_mode This function tests the current tracker mode, and returns a set of flags based of what the mode is doing. The most useful flag using the EXPTSPPT toolkit is \c IN_USER_MENU to test if the EyeLink Abort menu has been activated. |
eyelink_data_count⚠ | @ingroup messaging Counts total items in queue: samples, events, or both. |
eyelink_data_start⚠ | @ingroup messaging Switches tracker to Record mode, enables data types for recording to EDF file or sending to link. These types are set with a bitwise OR of these flags: \arg RECORD_FILE_SAMPLES (1) - only active if file open. \arg RECORD_FILE_EVENTS (2) - only active if file open. \arg RECORD_LINK_SAMPLES (4) - accept samples from link. \arg RECORD_LINK_EVENTS (8) - accept events from link. |
eyelink_data_status⚠ | |
eyelink_data_stop⚠ | @ingroup messaging Places tracker in idle (off-line) mode, does not flush data from queue. |
eyelink_data_switch⚠ | @ingroup messaging |
eyelink_dll_version⚠ | Returns the eyelink_core library version number. @param[out] c fills in the version number of th eyelink_core library. |
eyelink_double_usec_offset⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Returns the time difference between the tracker time and display pc time. |
eyelink_draw_cross_hair⚠ | @ingroup display Convenient function to draw cross hair on camera image. It is very tedious to draw and maintain cross hair drawing. This is due to evolving eyelink camera image protocol and the introduction of newer trackers and still single library handle all eyelink trackers. eyelink_draw_cross_hair fixes this issue by allowing the drawing function to draw to the device contexts and does all magic of extracting cursor info from the tracker. |
eyelink_driftcorr_start⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Sets the position of the drift correction target, and switches the tracker to drift-correction mode. Should be followed by a call to \c eyelink_wait_for_mode_ready(). |
eyelink_driftcorr_startf⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Sets the position of the drift correction target, and switches the tracker to drift-correction mode. Should be followed by a call to \c eyelink_wait_for_mode_ready(). Same as eyelink_driftcorr_start() except the x,y parameters take floating point values. |
eyelink_dummy_open⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Sets the EyeLink library to simulate an eyetracker connection. Functions will return plausible values, but no data. |
eyelink_enable_extended_realtime⚠ | |
eyelink_end_file_transfer⚠ | @ingroup datafile Aborts send of file. @return \c 0 if OK, else send error. @remark Internal function. use receive_data_file() |
eyelink_event_data_flags⚠ | @ingroup messaging Returns the event data content flags. |
eyelink_event_type_flags⚠ | @ingroup messaging After at least one button or eye event has been read, can be used to check what type of events will be available. |
eyelink_eye_available⚠ | @ingroup messaging After calling \c eyelink_wait_for_block_start(), or after at least one sample or eye event has been read, can be used to check which eyes data is available for. |
eyelink_flush_input_event⚠ | |
eyelink_flush_keybuttons⚠ | @ingroup elbutton Causes the EyeLink tracker and the EyeLink library to flush any stored button or key events. This should be used before a trial to get rid of old button responses. The \c <enable_buttons> argument controls whether the EyeLink library will store button press and release events. It always stores tracker key events. Even if disabled, the last button pressed and button flag bits are updated. |
eyelink_gaze_to_href⚠ | @ingroup extra_data Apply gaze->href to point (xp, yp). This function requires HREFPT data in FSAMPLE. The function \c eyelink_initialize_mapping() should be called before calling this function. @param xp X point to apply gaze->href. @param yp Y point to apply gaze->href. @param sample Sample. @return \c 0 if OK, \c -1 if there is a math error, \c -2 if the tracker does not support this operation. |
eyelink_get_double_data⚠ | @ingroup messaging Reads the last item fetched by \c eyelink_get_next_data() into a buffer. The event is converted to a floating-point format with floating point time (\c DSAMPLE or \c DEVENT). This can handle both samples and events. The buffer type can be \c ALLD_DATA for both samples and events, \c DSAMPLE for a sample, or a specific event buffer. |
eyelink_get_error⚠ | @ingroup error_reporting Returns error description for given function with error id. |
eyelink_get_extra_raw_values⚠ | |
eyelink_get_extra_raw_values_v2⚠ | |
eyelink_get_file_block⚠ | @ingroup datafile Get next block of file. If \c <offset> is not \c NULL, will be filled with block-start offset in file. |
eyelink_get_float_data⚠ | @ingroup messaging Reads the last item fetched by \c eyelink_get_next_data() into a buffer. The event is converted to a floating-point format (\c FSAMPLE or \c FEVENT). This can handle both samples and events. The buffer type can be \c ALLF_DATA for both samples and events, \c FSAMPLE for a sample, or a specific event buffer. |
eyelink_get_input_event⚠ | |
eyelink_get_last_data⚠ | @ingroup messaging Gets an integer (unconverted) copy of the last/newest link data (sample or event) seen by \c eyelink_get_next_data(). |
eyelink_get_line⚠ | @internal Gets unpacked line data. @return \c -1 if error/not rx, else line number. |
eyelink_get_next_data⚠ | @ingroup messaging Fetches next data item from link buffer. Usually called with \c <buf> = \c NULL, and returns the data item type. If the item is not wanted, simply ignore it. Otherwise, call \c eyelink_get_float_data() to read it into a buffer. |
eyelink_get_node⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Reads the responses returned by other trackers or remotes in response to \c eyelink_poll_trackers() or \c eyelink_poll_remotes(). It can also read the tracker broadcast address and remote broadcast addresses. |
eyelink_get_palette⚠ | @internal |
eyelink_get_sample⚠ | @ingroup messaging Gets an integer (unconverted) sample from end of queue, discards any events encountered. |
eyelink_get_tracker_version⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink After connection, determines if the connected tracker is an EyeLink I or II. |
eyelink_href_angle⚠ | @ingroup extra_data Convenient function to calculate the href angle. @param x1 Point 1 x. @param y1 Point 1 y. @param x2 Point 2 x. @param y2 Point 2 y. |
eyelink_href_resolution⚠ | @ingroup extra_data Convenient function to calculate the href resolution. @param x X value of point. @param y Y value of point. @param xres Pointer to return the x resolution. @param yres Pointer to return the y resolution. |
eyelink_href_to_gaze⚠ | @ingroup extra_data Apply href->gaze to point (xp, yp). This function requires HREFPT data in FSAMPLE. The function \c eyelink_initialize_mapping() should be called before calling this function. @param xp X point to apply href->gaze. @param yp Y point to apply href->gaze. @param sample Sample. @return \c 0 if OK, \c -1 if there is a math error, \c -2 if the tracker does not support this operation. |
eyelink_image_data⚠ | @internal Get data at start of new image. @return \c -1 if aborted/not in receive, \c 0 if old palette, \c 1 if new palette. ptrs to size: may be NULL |
eyelink_image_status⚠ | @internal |
eyelink_in_data_block⚠ | @ingroup recording Checks to see if framing events read from queue indicate that the data is in a block containing samples, events, or both. |
eyelink_in_setup⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Checks if tracker is still in a Setup menu activity (includes camera image view, calibration, and validation). Used to terminate the subject setup loop. |
eyelink_initialize_mapping⚠ | @ingroup extra_data Function to initialize the gaze to href and href to gaze mapping. This function should be called before calling \c eyelink_href_to_gaze() or \c eyelink_gaze_to_href(). @param left Left pixel value (normally 0). @param top Top pixel value (normally 0). @param right Right pixel value (width of the display). @param bottom Bottom pixel value (height of the display). @return \c -1 if the tracker does not support the commands, href_point_eye set_href_point |
eyelink_is_connected⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Checks whether the connection to the tracker is alive. |
eyelink_last_button_press⚠ | @ingroup elbutton Reads the number of the last button detected by the EyeLink tracker. This is \c 0 if no buttons were pressed since the last call, or since the buttons were flushed. If a pointer to a variable is supplied the eye-tracker timestamp of the button may be read. This could be used to see if a new button has been pressed since the last read. If multiple buttons were pressed since the last call, only the last button is reported. |
eyelink_last_button_states⚠ | @ingroup elbutton Returns a flag word with bits set to indicate which tracker buttons are currently pressed. This is button 1 for the LSB, up to button 16 for the MSB. Same as eyelink_button_states() except, optionally time of the button states can be acquired. |
eyelink_last_message⚠ | @ingroup messaging Checks for and gets the last packet received, stores the data and the node address sent from. |
eyelink_mode_data⚠ | @ingroup recording After calling \c eyelink_wait_for_block_start(), or after at least one sample or eye event has been read, returns EyeLink II extended mode data. |
eyelink_msec_offset⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Returns the time difference between the tracker time and display pc time. |
eyelink_newest_double_sample⚠ | @ingroup messaging Check if a new sample has arrived from the link. This is the latest sample, not the oldest sample that is read by \c eyelink_get_next_data(), and is intended to drive gaze cursors and gaze-contingent displays. Typically the function is called with a \c NULL buffer pointer, to test if new data has arrived. If a value of \c 1 is returned, the function is called with a \c DSAMPLE buffer to get the new sample. |
eyelink_newest_float_sample⚠ | @ingroup messaging Check if a new sample has arrived from the link. This is the latest sample, not the oldest sample that is read by \c eyelink_get_next_data(), and is intended to drive gaze cursors and gaze-contingent displays. Typically the function is called with a \c NULL buffer pointer, to test if new data has arrived. If a value of \c 1 is returned, the function is called with a \c FSAMPLE buffer to get the new sample. |
eyelink_newest_sample⚠ | @ingroup messaging Gets an integer (unconverted) copy of the last/newest link data (sample or event) seen by \c eyelink_get_next_data(). |
eyelink_node_receive⚠ | @ingroup messaging Checks for and gets the last packet received, stores the data and the node address sent from. |
eyelink_node_request_time⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Sends a request the connected eye tracker to return its current time. |
eyelink_node_send⚠ | @ingroup messaging Sends a given data to the given node. |
eyelink_node_send_message⚠ | @ingroup messaging Sends a text message the connected eye tracker. The text will be added to the EDF file. |
eyelink_node_send_message_ex⚠ | @ingroup messaging Send a data file message to any or all trackers with time offset. @param exectime time offset. If the offset is 0, this function is the same as eyelink_node_send_message() @param node Node address @param msg Message to be sent @return \c OK_RESULT or \c LINK_TERMINATED_RESULT. @sa eyelink_node_send_message() |
eyelink_open⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Attempts to open a link connection to the EyeLink tracker. Simple connect to single Eyelink tracker. Equivalent to \c eyelink_open_node(broadcast_address, 0). |
eyelink_open_node⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Allows the computer to connect to tracker, where the tracker is on the same network. |
eyelink_peep_input_event⚠ | |
eyelink_peep_last_input_event⚠ | |
eyelink_playback_start⚠ | @ingroup playback Flushes data from queue and starts data playback. An EDF file must be open and have at least one recorded trial. Use \c eyelink_wait_for_data() to wait for data: this will time out if the playback failed. Playback begins from start of file or from just after the end of the next-but-last recording block. Link data is determined by file contents, not by link sample and event settings. |
eyelink_playback_stop⚠ | @ingroup playback Stops playback if in progress. Flushes any data in queue. |
eyelink_poll_remotes⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Asks all non-tracker computers (with EyeLink software running) on the network to send their names and node address. |
eyelink_poll_responses⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Returns the count of node addresses received so far following the call of \c eyelink_poll_remotes() or \c eyelink_poll_trackers(). |
eyelink_poll_trackers⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Asks all trackers (with EyeLink software running) on the network to send their names and node address. |
eyelink_position_prescaler⚠ | @ingroup messaging Returns the divisor used to convert integer eye data to floating point data. |
eyelink_quiet_mode⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Controls the level of control an application has over the tracker. |
eyelink_read_keybutton⚠ | @ingroup elbutton Reads any queued key or button events from tracker. |
eyelink_read_reply⚠ | @ingroup messaging Returns text with reply to last read request. |
eyelink_read_request⚠ | @ingroup messaging Sends a text variable name whose value is to be read and returned by the tracker as a text string. |
eyelink_read_time⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Returns the tracker time requested by \c eyelink_request_time() or \c eyelink_node_request_time(). |
eyelink_request_file_block⚠ | @ingroup datafile Ask for next block of file, reads from \c <offset>. @remark Internal function. use receive_data_file() |
eyelink_request_file_read⚠ | @ingroup datafile Request send of file "src". If "", gets last data file. @return \c 0 if OK, else send error. @remark Internal function. use receive_data_file() |
eyelink_request_image⚠ | @internal |
eyelink_request_time⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Sends a request the connected eye tracker to return its current time. |
eyelink_reset_clock⚠ | @ingroup access_time_local Initializes the high frequency clock. |
eyelink_reset_data⚠ | @ingroup messaging Prepares link buffers to receive new data. If \c <clear> is nonzero, removes old data from buffer. |
eyelink_sample_data_flags⚠ | @ingroup messaging Gets sample data content flag (\c 0 if not in sample block). |
eyelink_send_command⚠ | @ingroup messaging Sends a command to the connected eye tracker. |
eyelink_send_keybutton⚠ | @ingroup elbutton Sends a key or button event to tracker. Only key events are handled for remote control. |
eyelink_send_message⚠ | @ingroup messaging Sends a text message the connected eye tracker. The text will be added to the EDF file. |
eyelink_send_message_ex⚠ | @ingroup messaging Send a data file message string to connected tracker with time offset. @param exectime time offset. If the offset is 0, this function is the same as eyelink_send_message() @param msg Message to be sent @return \c OK_RESULT or \c LINK_TERMINATED_RESULT. @sa eyemsg_printf_ex(), eyelink_send_message() |
eyelink_set_name⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Sets the node name of this computer (up to 35 characters). |
eyelink_set_tracker_node⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink |
eyelink_start_setup⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Enters setup mode |
eyelink_target_check⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Returns the current target position and state. |
eyelink_target_checkf⚠ | @ingroup setup_eyelink Returns the current target position and state. Same as eyelink_target_check() except this function returns data in floating point values. |
eyelink_timed_command⚠ | @ingroup messaging Sends a command to the connected eye tracker, wait for reply. |
eyelink_tracker_double_usec⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Returns the current tracker time (in micro seconds) since the tracker application started. |
eyelink_tracker_mode⚠ | @ingroup eyelink_mode Returns raw EyeLink mode numbers, defined in eyelink.h as EL_xxxx definitions. |
eyelink_tracker_msec⚠ | @ingroup access_time_tracker Returns the current tracker time (in milliseconds) since the tracker application started. |
eyelink_user_menu_selection⚠ | @ingroup eyelink_mode Checks for a user-menu selection, clears response for next call. |
eyelink_wait_for_block_start⚠ | @ingroup recording Reads and discards events in data queue until in a recording block. Waits for up to \c <timeout> milliseconds for a block containing samples, events, or both to be opened. Items in the queue are discarded until the block start events are found and processed. This function will fail if both samples and events are selected but only one of link samples and events were enabled by \c start_recording(). |
eyelink_wait_for_data⚠ | @ingroup messaging Waits for data to be received from the eye tracker. Can wait for an event, a sample, or either. Typically used after record start to check if data is being sent. |
eyelink_wait_for_mode_ready⚠ | @ingroup eyelink_mode After a mode-change command is given to the EyeLink tracker, an additional 5 to 30 milliseconds may be needed to complete mode setup. Call this function after mode change functions. |
eyemsg_printf⚠ | link message formatting * use just like printf() * returns any send error * This sends a text message to the EyeLink tracker, which timestamps it and writes it to the EDF data file. Messages are useful for recording trial conditions, subject responses, or the time of important events. This function is used with the same formatting methods as printf(), allowing numbers to be included. Avoid end-of-line characters ("\n") at end of messages. |
eyemsg_printf_ex⚠ | @ingroup messaging This allows us to send messages to the Eyelink tracker to be logged into the data file with a time offset. Use it just like printf() to format the message text. |
file_exists⚠ | @ingroup datafile Checks if file and/or path exists. @returns \c 0 if does not exist, \c 1 if exists, \c -1 if cannot overwrite. |
flush_getkey_queue⚠ | Initializes and empties local key queue Initializes the key queue used by \c getkey(). This should be called at the start of your program. It may be called at any time to get rid any of old keys from the queue. |
get_all_hook_functions⚠ | |
get_all_hook_functions_V2⚠ | @ingroup display Returns a pointer to HOOKFCNS2, with values that are set by setup_graphic_hook_functions_V2(). |
get_image_xhair_data⚠ | @ingroup display \deprecated Use eyelink_draw_cross_hair() instead. |
getkey⚠ | EYELINK tracker (MS-DOS) key scan equivalent Processes Windows messages, records key events Returns 0 if no key pressed returns 1-255 for non-extended keys returns 0x##00 for extended keys (##=hex code) A routine for checking for Windows keystroke events, and dispatching Windows messages. If no key is pressed or waiting, it returns \c 0. For a standard ASCII key, a value from \c 31 to \c 127 is returned. For extended keys, a special key value is returned. If the program has been terminated by ALT-F4 or a call to \c terminal_break(), or the "Ctrl" and "C" keys are held down, the value \c TERMINATE_KEY is returned. The value JUNK_KEY (1) is returned if a non-translatable key is pressed. @remarks Warning: This function processes and dispatches any waiting messages. This will allow Windows to perform disk access and negates the purpose of realtime mode. Usually these delays will be only a few milliseconds, but delays over 20 milliseconds have been observed. You may wish to call \c escape_pressed() or \c break_pressed() in recording loops instead of \c getkey() if timing is critical, for example in a gaze-contingent display. Under Windows XP and later, for single core system, these calls will not work in realtime mode at all (although these do work under Windows 2000). Under Windows 95/98/Me, realtime performance is impossible even with this strategy.\n Some useful keys are defined in core_expt.h, as:\n \arg \c CURS_UP \c 0x4800 \arg \c CURS_DOWN \c 0x5000 \arg \c CURS_LEFT \c 0x4B00 \arg \c CURS_RIGHT \c 0x4D00 \arg \c ESC_KEY \c 0x001B \arg \c ENTER_KEY \c 0x000D \arg \c TERMINATE_KEY \c 0x7FFF \arg \c JUNK_KEY \c 0x0001 @return \c 0 if no key pressed, else key code.\n \c TERMINATE_KEY if CTRL-C held down or program has been terminated. |
getkey_with_mod⚠ | @ingroup keyinput Same as getkey except it returns the modifier and the key pressed. It returns a 32 bit unsigned integer. The first 16 bits are reserved for the modifier and the last 16 bits are reserved for the key values. If there are no modifiers present, the return value of this is the same as getkey(). If non null pointer passed in for unicode, the translated key value will be set if a key is preent. |
image_mode_display⚠ | (USED BY do_tracker_setup(), YOU DO NOT NEED TO CALL normally * This handles display of the EyeLink camera images. While in imaging mode, it contiuously requests and displays the current camera image. It also displays the camera name and threshold setting. Keys on the subject PC keyboard are sent to the tracker, so the experimenter can use it during setup. It will exit when the tracker leaves imaging mode or disconnects. |
in_realtime_mode⚠ | @ingroup priority returns whether the current mode is real-time. |
key_message_pump⚠ | @ingroup pump Similar to \c message_pump(), but only processes keypresses. This may help reduce latency. |
message_pump⚠ | allows messages to operate in loops returns nonzero if app terminated eats key events, places on key queue for getkey() getkey() and echo_key() also call this function |
msec_delay⚠ | @ingroup access_time_local Does a unblocked delay using \c current_time(). |
open_data_file⚠ | These functions were added as future revisions of EyeLink might require significant time to open and close EDF files Opens EDF file on tracker hard disk Opens an EDF file, closes any existing file. |
open_eyelink_connection⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Initializes the EyeLink library, and opens a connection to the EyeLink tracker. |
open_eyelink_system⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Use this function to initialize the EyeLink library. This will also start the millisecond clock. No connection is attempted to the eyetracker yet. It is preferable to call open_eyelink_connection(\c -1) instead, as this prepares other parts of the DLL for use. |
open_message_file⚠ | @ingroup message_file Creates message file, once open call to timemsg_printf(), will not send messages to tracker. Messages are kept in a queue if the application is in realtime mode, and written to disk on non real-time mode except when close_message_file() is called while in real-time mode. @param[in] fname Message file name |
pump_delay⚠ | Similar to msec_delay(), but allows Widows message process only allows message processing if delay > 20 msec does not process dialog box messages During calls to \c msec_delay(), Windows is not able to handle messages. One result of this is that windows may not appear. This is the preferred delay function when accurate timing is not needed. It calls \c message_pump() until the last 20 milliseconds of the delay, allowing Windows to function properly. In rare cases, the delay may be longer than expected. It does not process modeless dialog box messages. |
read_getkey_queue⚠ | Similar to getkey(), but doesnt call message pump Use to build message pump for your own window Reads keys from the key queue. It is similar to \c getkey(), but does not process Windows messages. This can be used to build key-message handlers in languages other than C. |
This call should be implemented for a standard programming interface *
Copies tracker file |
receive_data_file_feedback⚠ | exact same as receive_data_file. except the feedback parameters can be used for showing what is the full size of the edf file and howmuch is received so far. this function is currently used internally only. This receives a data file from the EyeLink tracker PC. Exact same as \c receive_data_file(). except the feedback parameters can be used for showing what is the full size of the edf file and how much is received so far. This function is currently used internally only. |
receive_data_file_feedback_v2⚠ | |
send_data_file_feedback⚠ | @ingroup datafile This function sends a file to the Eyelink tracker. Source destination file name should be given. Using this function, an image or video can be uploaded from the display PC to the host Tracker PC. The image can later be used as a Gaze Cursor Backdrop via a call to eyelink_send_command(). |
set_application_priority⚠ | @ingroup priority Changes the multitasking proirity of current application Using THREAD_PRIORITY_ABOVE_NORMAL may reduce latency Reset priority with THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL Too high priority will stop the link from functioning! @deprecated This function is depricated. It is left for compatibility reasons. The implementation does nothing. |
set_eyelink_address⚠ | @ingroup init_eyelink Sets the IP address used for connection to the EyeLink tracker. This is set to "" in the DLL, but may need to be changed for some network configurations. This must be set before attempting to open a connection to the tracker. |
set_high_priority⚠ | @ingroup priority Raise application priority. May interfere with other applications. |
set_normal_priority⚠ | @ingroup priority Sets application priority to system normal |
set_offline_mode⚠ | enter tracker idle mode, wait till finished mode switch * Places EyeLink tracker in off-line (idle) mode. Wait till the tracker has finished the mode transition. |
set_write_image_hook⚠ | @ingroup bitmap_save Use this function to set function pointer, so that the call to el_bitmap_save and el_bitmap_save_and_backdrop will use the passed in function to write the image to disk. |
setup_graphic_hook_functions⚠ | @ingroup display Primary function to setup display graphics hook functions. |
setup_graphic_hook_functions_V2⚠ | @ingroup display Primary function to setup display graphics hook functions of the second revision of the interface. One of the major difference between this and setup_graphic_hook_functions is, this has fewer functions to implement also, takes extra parameters like the major and minor versions for future enhancements. |
splice_fname⚠ | @} Splice 'path' to 'fname', store in 'ffname'. Tries to create valid concatenation. If 'fname' starts with '', just adds drive from 'path'. If 'fname' contains drive specifier, it is not changed. |
start_recording⚠ | Start recording with data types requested * Check that all requested link data is arriving * return 0 if OK, else trial exit code * Starts the EyeLink tracker recording, sets up link for data reception if enabled. |
stop_recording⚠ | halt recording, return when tracker finished mode switch Stops recording, resets EyeLink data mode. |
target_mode_display⚠ | (USED BY do_tracker_setup(), YOU DO NOT NEED TO CALL normally * Called for you by do_tracker_setup() and do_drift_correct() * * This function needs some "helper" graphics to clear the scren and draw the fixation targets. Since C graphics are compiler-dependent, these are found in other C source files. |
terminal_break⚠ | ASYNCHRONOUS BREAKOUTS *********/ Because Windows is multi-tasking, some other event (i.e. a timer event or ALT-TAB) may affect your application during loops or calibration. Your event handlers can call these functions to stop ongoing operations |
timemsg_printf⚠ | @ingroup message_file Very similar to eyemsg_printf, with the following features: \arg Optionally write the timestamped message to file instead of sending over the link to tracker. \arg Optional time of event. @param t optional time of event (0 = NOW) @param fmt format messages |
Type Definitions
CrossHairInfo | @} |
IMAGETYPE | @ingroup display |
INT16 | |
INT32 | |
UINT16 | |
UINT32 | |
_EL_CAL_BEEP | @ingroup display \brief Enum used for calibration beeps |
byte |
ALLD_DATA | @ingroup messaging \brief Union of message, io event and double sample and double event. |
ALLF_DATA | @ingroup messaging \brief Union of message, io event and float sample and float event. |
InputEvent | @ingroup display \brief Union of all input types. |