[][src]Function libeyelink_sys::receive_data_file_feedback

pub unsafe extern "C" fn receive_data_file_feedback(
    src: *mut c_char,
    dest: *mut c_char,
    dest_is_path: INT16,
    progress: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(size: c_uint, received: c_uint)>
) -> INT32

exact same as receive_data_file. except the feedback parameters can be used for showing what is the full size of the edf file and howmuch is received so far. this function is currently used internally only. This receives a data file from the EyeLink tracker PC. Exact same as \c receive_data_file(). except the feedback parameters can be used for showing what is the full size of the edf file and how much is received so far. This function is currently used internally only.

@param[in] src Name of eye tracker file (including extension). If "" (empty string), asks tracker for name of last opened data file. @param[in] dest Name of local file to write to (including extension). This must be a valid file name or directory name. @param[in] dest_is_path If nonzero, appends file name to <dest> as a directory path. @param[in] progress A function pointer, that takes size and received size integers. This allows, one to display progress bar on edf file transfer. @return \c 0 if file transfer was cancelled.\n Size of file if successful.\n \c -1 if file size is negative.\n \c -2 if cannot create local file. \c -3 if file transfer was cancelled \c -4 if file transfer was aborted \c -5 if error occurred while writing file \c -6 if link was terminated

\sa \c receive_data_file, \c close_data_file() and \c open_data_file()