[][src]Function libeyelink_sys::receive_data_file

pub unsafe extern "C" fn receive_data_file(
    src: *mut c_char,
    dest: *mut c_char,
    dest_is_path: INT16
) -> INT32

THIS ROUTINE MAY NEED TO BE CREATED FOR EACH PLATFORM * This call should be implemented for a standard programming interface * Copies tracker file to local file . * If specifying full file name, be sure to add ".edf" * extensions for data files. * If = "", tracker will send last opened data file. * If is NULL or "", creates local file with source file name. * Else, creates file using as name. If <dest_is_path> != 0 * uses source file name but adds as directory path. * returns: file size if OK, negative = error code * This receives a data file from the EyeLink tracker PC. \param[in] src Name of eye tracker file (including extension). If "" (empty string), asks tracker for name of last opened data file. \param[in] dest Name of local file to write to (including extension). This must be a valid file name or directory name. \param[in] dest_is_path If nonzero, appends file name to <dest> as a directory path. \return \c 0 if file transfer was cancelled.\n Size of file if successful.\n \c -1 if file size is negative.\n \c -2 if cannot create local file.\n \c -3 if file transfer was cancelled.\n \c -4 if file transfer was aborted.\n \c -5 if error occurred while writing file.\n \c -6 if link was terminated.\n

\b Example: See \c open_data_file()

\sa \c close_data_file() and \c open_data_file()

\remark If linked against eyelink_exptkit20.lib or w32_dialogs.h is included, the behaviour of this function is receive_data_file_dialog().