[][src]Function libeyelink_sys::eyelink_send_keybutton

pub unsafe extern "C" fn eyelink_send_keybutton(
    code: UINT16,
    mods: UINT16,
    state: INT16
) -> INT16

@ingroup elbutton Sends a key or button event to tracker. Only key events are handled for remote control.

@param code Key character, or KB_BUTTON (0xFF00) if sending button event. @param mods Button number, or key modifier (Shift, Alt and Ctrl key states). @param state Key or button change (\c KB_PRESS or \c KB_RELEASE). @return \c 0 if OK, else send link error.

\b Example:


UINT16 echo_key(void)
UINT16 k = getkey();

if(k!=0 && k!=1)
eyelink_send_keybutton(k, 0, KB_PRESS);
return k;

\sa \c eyelink_read_keybutton()