[][src]Function libeyelink_sys::el_bitmap_save

pub unsafe extern "C" fn el_bitmap_save(
    hbm: *mut EYEBITMAP,
    xs: INT16,
    ys: INT16,
    width: INT16,
    height: INT16,
    fname: *mut c_char,
    path: *mut c_char,
    sv_options: INT16
) -> c_int

@ingroup bitmap_save This function saves the entire bitmap or selected part of a bitmap in an image file (with an extension of .png, .bmp, .jpg, or .tif). It creates the specified file if this file does not exist.

@param hbm Bitmap to save or transfer or both. @param xs X position. @param ys Y position. @param width Width. @param height Height. @param fname File name to save as. The extension decides the format of the file. @param path The directory to which the file will be written. @param sv_options If the file exists, it replaces the file unless SV_NOREPLACE is specified.

@remark This function relies on the writeImageHook set by call to set_write_image_hook() to write the images in different formats. By default, if eyelink_core_graphics library is used, gd library is used to write the images and if eyelink_gdi_graphics is used FreeImage library is used to write the images. If neither one of them is used, call to this function does not write the images unless, set_write_image_hook() is used to set the writeImageHook.

@remark This function should not be called when timing is critical, as this might take very long to return.