[][src]Function libeyelink_sys::do_tracker_setup

pub unsafe extern "C" fn do_tracker_setup() -> INT16

Starts tracker into Setup Menu. * From this the operator can do camera setup, calibrations, etc. * Pressing ESC on the tracker exits. * Leaving the setup menu on the tracker (ESC) key) also exits. * RETURNS: 0 if OK, 27 if aborted, TERMINATE_KEY if pressed * Switches the EyeLink tracker to the Setup menu, from which camera setup, calibration, validation, drift correction, and configuration may be performed. Pressing the 'ESC' key on the tracker keyboard will exit the Setup menu and return from this function. Calling \c exit_calibration() from an event handler will cause any call to \c do_tracker_setup() in progress to return immediately.

@return Always \c 0.

\b Example:


COLORREF target_foreground_color = RGB(0,0,0);
COLORREF target_background_color = RGB(255,255,255);
int i = SCRWIDTH/60;     // Selects best size for calibration target
int j = SCRWIDTH/300;    // Selects size for focal spot in target
if(j < 2) j = 2;

set_target_size(i, j);

set_calibration_colors(target_foreground_color, target_background_color);

set_cal_sounds("", "", "");
set_dcorr_sounds("", "off", "off");



\sa \c do_drift_correct(), \c set_cal_sounds(), \c set_calibration_colors() and \c set_target_size()