[][src]Function libeyelink_sys::current_time

pub unsafe extern "C" fn current_time() -> UINT32

@ingroup access_time_local Returns the current millisecond since the initialization.

@remarks If the eyelink_exptkit library is not initialized, or initialized multiple times, the return value is invalid and the return value is unpredictable. So in order to avoid this, make sure that \c close_eyelink_system() is called at the end. The call to \c current_msec() is always equivalent to \c current_time(). @return The current millisecond since the initialization of the library.

\b Example:


eyemsg_printf("Delay test starts: %ld", current_msec());
eyemsg_printf("Delay test ends: %ld", current_time());
\b Output:
MSG	4532575 Delay test starts: 5236
MSG	4532671 Delay test ends: 5336

\sa \c current_msec(), \c current_micro(), \c current_usec(), \c eyelink_tracker_time() and \c msec_delay()