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Basic structs using data from Cwtch and for deserializing JSON and serializing to JSON to communicate with Cwtch


AccessControl is a type determining client assigned authorization to a peer

Struct to deserialize the results of Get*Attribute requests into

Struct to serialize/deserialize conversations coming from libcwtch-go

Struct to serialize/deserialize events coming off the Cwtch appbus

Struct to serialize/deserialize messages sent over Cwtch between profiles / conversation

Struct to serialize/deserialize profiles coming from libcwtch-go

Struct to serialize/deserialize servers coming from libcwtch-go

Settings as defined in libcwtch-go/utils/settings.go and should be populated by handeling the UpdateGlobalSettings event emited during cwtch.start()


Defines the states a Cwtch connection can be in

Defines the various authorization modes a contact can be in

Enum of experiment types that can be managed in Settings

Type Definitions

represents an access control list for a conversation. Mapping handles to conversation functions