Expand description

The feedbacks reduce observer state after each run to a single is_interesting-value. If a testcase is interesting, it may be added to a Corpus.


pub use map::*;
pub use concolic::ConcolicFeedback;


Concoliic feedback for comcolic fuzzing. It is used to attach concolic tracing metadata to the testcase. This feedback should be used in combination with another feedback as this feedback always considers testcases to be not interesting. Requires a ConcolicObserver to observe the concolic trace.

Map feedback, maximizing or minimizing maps, for example the afl-style map observer.


A cobined feedback consisting of ultiple Feedbacks

A CrashFeedback reports as interesting if the target crashed.

Eager AND combination of two feedbacks

Eager OR combination of two feedbacks

Fast AND combination of two feedbacks

Fast OR combination of two feedbacks

Compose feedbacks with an NOT operation

Nop feedback that annotates execution time in the new testcase, if any for this Feedback, the testcase is never interesting (use with an OR) It decides, if the given TimeObserver value of a run is interesting.

A TimeoutFeedback reduces the timeout value of a run.


Feedbacks evaluate the observers. Basically, they reduce the information provided by an observer to a value, indicating the “interestingness” of the last run.

Logical combination of two feedbacks

FeedbackState is the data associated with a Feedback that must persist as part of the fuzzer State

A haskell-style tuple of feedback states

Type Definitions

Combine two feedbacks with an eager AND operation, will call all feedbacks functions even if not necessery to conclude the result

Combine two feedbacks with an eager OR operation, will call all feedbacks functions even if not necessery to conclude the result

Combine two feedbacks with an fast AND operation, might skip calling feedbacks functions if not necessery to conclude the result

Combine two feedbacks with an fast OR operation, might skip calling feedbacks functions if not necessery to conclude the result This means any feedback that is not first might be skipped, use caution when using with TimeFeedback