pub fn round_to_n_mult<T: Div<Output = T> + Mul<Output = T> + Sub<Output = T> + Add<Output = T> + PartialOrd + From<bool> + Copy>(
    x: T,
    n: T
) -> T
Expand description

Rounds to the nearest multiple of n.


  • x: T - The number which shall be rounded.
  • n: T - The multiplicant.


A T.


use lib_rapid::math::general::round_to_n_mult;
assert_eq!(round_to_n_mult(14, 5), 15);
assert_eq!(round_to_n_mult(1932, 2), 1932);
// This function rounds up if in doubt.
assert_eq!(round_to_n_mult(1945, 2), 1946);