Activates the license by contacting the Cryptlex servers.
Activates your licenses using the offline activation response file.
Starts the local(unverified) trial.
Starts the verified trial in your application by contacting the Cryptlex servers.
Activates the trial using the offline activation response file.
Authenticates the user.
Authenticates the user via OIDC Id token.
Deactivates the license activation and frees up the corresponding activation slot by contacting the Cryptlex servers.
Decrements the meter attribute uses of the activation.
Extends the local trial.
Generates an offline activation request file. The request file contains necessary information to perform offline activation.
Generates the offline deactivation request needed for deactivation of the license in the dashboard and deactivates the license locally.
Generates the offline trial activation request needed for generating offline trial activation response in the dashboard.
Retrieves the activation id.
Retrieves the metadata value associated with the specified key for the activation.
Retrieves the number of uses of the specified metered attribute for the activation.
Retrieves the initial and current activation mode.
Retrieves the version of the LexActivator library.
Retrieves the license activation date timestamp.
Retrieves the number of allowed activations for the license.
Retrieves the number of allowed deactivations for the license.
Retrieves the license creation date timestamp.
Retrieves the expiry date of the license.
Retrieves the license key.
Retrieves the maintenance expiry date of the license.
Retrieves the maximum allowed release version for the license.
Retrieves the metadata associated with a license.
Retrieves the meter attribute of a license.
Retrieves the organization address associated with the license.
Retrieves the organization name associated with the license.
Retrieves the total number of activations for the license.
Retrieves the total number of deactivations for the license.
Retrieves the type of the license.
Retrieves the user’s company associated with the license.
Retrieves the user’s email associated with the license.
Retrieves the metadata value associated with the license user.
Retrieves the user’s name associated with the license.
Retrieves the local expiry date of the trial activation.
Retrieves the display name of the product version.
Retrieves the feature flag of a specific product version.
Retrieves the name of the product version.
Retrieves the expiry date of the server sync grace period for the activation.
Retrieves the metadata value associated with the specified key for the trial activation.
Retrieves the expiry date of the trial activation.
Retrieves the ID of the trial activation.
Retrieves the user licenses associated with the current user.
Increments the meter attribute uses of the activation.
It verifies whether your app is genuinely activated or not. The verification is done locally by verifying the cryptographic digital signature fetched at the time of activation.
It verifies whether your app is genuinely activated or not. The verification is done locally by verifying the cryptographic digital signature fetched at the time of activation.
It verifies whether trial has started and is genuine or not. The verification is done locally.
It verifies whether trial has started and is genuine or not. The verification is done locally by verifying the cryptographic digital signature fetched at the time of trial activation.
Resets the activation and trial data stored in the machine.
Resets the meter attribute uses of the activation.
Sets the activation lease duration.
Sets the activation metadata.
Enables or disables in-memory caching for LexActivator.
Sets the Cryptlex host.
In case you don’t want to use the LexActivator’s advanced device fingerprinting algorithm, this function can be used to set a custom device fingerprint.
In case you want to change the default directory used by LexActivator to
store the activation data on Linux and macOS, this function can be used to
set a different directory.
Enables network logs.
Sets the license closure callback.
Sets the license key for activation.
Sets the license user credentials for activation.
Sets the network proxy.
Sets the offline activation request meter attribute uses.
Embeds the Product.dat file in the application.
Sets the product id of your application.
Sets the release channel e.g. stable, beta
Sets the release platform.
Sets the release published date.
Sets the release version.
Sets the trial activation metadata.
Sets the two-factor authentication code for the user authentication.
Unset the current license closure callback.