Crate lerr

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extremely barebones error diagnostics for lang-dev

example error


heres the code for the sample above. feel free to add coloring with your favorite coloring crate, or just use raw ansi sequences.

use comat::cformat as cmt;
use lerr::Error;
let mut e = Error::new("Strin::nouveau().i_like_tests(3.14158)");
e.message(cmt!(r#"{bold_red}error{reset}: unknown function {bold_red}String::new(){reset}"#))
    .label((0..5, cmt!("you probably meant {black}String{reset}")))
    .label((7..16, cmt!("use {green}new(){reset}")))
    .label((17..18, cmt!("caps: {bold_cyan}I{reset}")))
    .label((30..37, cmt!("your {bold_yellow}π{reset} is bad")));

Please note that multiline labels are not yet supported. If that doesnt work for you, use something like ariadne.


  • allows configuration of how the error will appear.


  • The error builder that this crate is all about
  • Label around a Span
  • A note at the end of the diagnostic
  • The source text that the spans “reference”

Type Aliases

  • Span of bytes in the source