Crate leptos_sweetalert

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This is a remake of SweetAlert for the Leptos web framework. It was not made by SweetAlert but by someone that is not related to the project in any way.

Many features have been implemented, but not all of them. To learn more about how to use this create, then please read the documentation provided on GitHub.



  • Defines an icon to be displayed in the Swal. Use the pre-built ones to make sure you don’t accidentially make a mistake in the name of an icon.
  • Defines the parameters of a Sweet Alert. It uses generic parameters to simplify the use of the crate. The first one (S) defines the type for all text fields and the second one (I) defines the type for the icon.
  • The data that is returned when an alert is closed.



  • Defines the methods that a struct must have to be considered as an Icon in the Swal.