pub fn handle_server_fns() -> Route
Expand description

An Actix struct@Route that listens for a POST request with Leptos server function arguments in the body, runs the server function if found, and returns the resulting HttpResponse.

This can then be set up at an appropriate route in your application:

use actix_web::*;

fn register_server_functions() {
  // call ServerFn::register() for each of the server functions you've defined

async fn main() -> std::io::Result<()> {
    // make sure you actually register your server functions

    HttpServer::new(|| {
            // "/api" should match the prefix, if any, declared when defining server functions
            // {tail:.*} passes the remainder of the URL as the server function name
            .route("/api/{tail:.*}", leptos_actix::handle_server_fns())
    .bind(("", 8080))?

§Provided Context Types

This function always provides context values including the following types: