Macro leptos::with_value

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macro_rules! with_value {
    (|$ident:ident $(,)?| $body:expr) => { ... };
    (move |$ident:ident $(,)?| $body:expr) => { ... };
    (|$first:ident, $($rest:ident),+ $(,)? | $body:expr) => { ... };
    (move |$first:ident, $($rest:ident),+ $(,)? | $body:expr) => { ... };
Expand description

Provides a simpler way to use StoredValue::with_value.

To use with signals, see the with! macro instead.

Note that the with! macro also works with StoredValue. Use this macro if you would like to distinguish between signals and stored values.

The general syntax looks like:

with_value!(|capture1, capture2, ...| body);

The variables within the ‘closure’ arguments are captured from the environment, and can be used within the body with the same name.

move can also be added before the closure arguments to add move to all expanded closures.


let first = store_value("Bob".to_string());
let middle = store_value("J.".to_string());
let last = store_value("Smith".to_string());
let name = with_value!(|first, middle, last| {
    format!("{first} {middle} {last}")
assert_eq!(name, "Bob J. Smith");

The with_value! macro in the above example expands to:

first.with_value(|first| {
    middle.with_value(|middle| {
        last.with_value(|last| format!("{first} {middle} {last}"))

If move is added:

with_value!(move |first, last| format!("{first} {last}"))

Then all closures are also move.

first.with_value(move |first| {
    last.with_value(move |last| format!("{first} {last}"))