Function leptos::spawn_local

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pub fn spawn_local<F>(fut: F)
where F: Future<Output = ()> + 'static,
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Spawns and runs a thread-local Future in a platform-independent way.

This can be used to interface with any async code by spawning a task to run a Future.


You should not use spawn_local to synchronize async code with a signal’s value during server rendering. The server response will not be notified to wait for the spawned task to complete, creating a race condition between the response and your task. Instead, use create_resource and <Suspense/> to coordinate asynchronous work with the rendering process.

async fn get_user(user: String) -> Result<String, ServerFnError> {
    Ok(format!("this user is {user}"))

// ❌ Write into a signal from `spawn_local` on the serevr
fn UserBad() -> impl IntoView {
    let signal = create_rw_signal(String::new());

    // ❌ If the rest of the response is already complete,
    //    `signal` will no longer exist when `get_user` resolves
    #[cfg(feature = "ssr")]
    spawn_local(async move {
        let user_res = get_user("user".into()).await.unwrap_or_default();

    view! {
            "This will be empty (hopefully the client will render it) -> "
            {move || signal.get()}

// ✅ Use a resource and suspense
fn UserGood() -> impl IntoView {
    // new resource with no dependencies (it will only called once)
    let user = create_resource(|| (), |_| async { get_user("john".into()).await });
    view! {
        // handles the loading
        <Suspense fallback=move || view! {<p>"Loading User"</p> }>
            // handles the error from the resource
            <ErrorBoundary fallback=|_| {view! {<p>"Something went wrong"</p>}}>
                {move || {
           |x| {
                        // the resource has a result
               |y| {
                            // successful call from the server fn
                            view! {<p>"User result filled in server and client: "{y}</p>}