Module leptos::callback

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Callbacks define a standard way to store functions and closures. They are useful for component properties, because they can be used to define optional callback functions, which generic props don’t support.


Callbacks can be created manually from any function or closure, but the easiest way to create them is to use #[prop(into)]] when defining a component.

fn MyComponent(
    #[prop(into)] render_number: Callback<i32, String>,
) -> impl IntoView {
    view! {
            // callbacks can be called multiple times
// you can pass a closure directly as `render_number`
fn test() -> impl IntoView {
    view! {
        <MyComponent render_number=|x: i32| x.to_string()/>


  • The render_number prop can receive any type that implements Fn(i32) -> String.
  • Callbacks are most useful when you want optional generic props.
  • All callbacks implement the Callable trait, and can be invoked with On nightly, you can even do my_callback(input)
  • The callback types implement Copy, so they can easily be moved into and out of other closures, just like signals.


This modules implements 2 callback types:

Use SyncCallback when you want the function to be Sync and Send.


  • Callbacks define a standard way to store functions and closures.
  • A callback type that is Send and Sync if its input type is Send and Sync. Otherwise, you can use exactly the way you use Callback.


  • A wrapper trait for calling callbacks.