Attribute Macro leptos::island

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Defines a component as an interactive island when you are using the experimental-islands feature of Leptos. Apart from the macro name, the API is the same as the component macro.

When you activate the experimental-islands feature, every #[component] is server-only by default. This “default to server” behavior is important: you opt into shipping code to the client, rather than opting out. You can opt into client-side interactivity for any given component by changing from #[component] to #[island]—the two macros are otherwise identical.

Everything that is included inside an island will be compiled to WASM and shipped to the browser. So the key to really benefiting from this architecture is to make islands as small as possible, and include only the minimal required amount of functionality in islands themselves.

Only code included in an island itself is compiled to WASM. This means:

  1. children can be provided from a server #[component] to an #[island] without the island needing to be able to hydrate them.
  2. Props can be passed from the server to an island.

§Present Limitations

A few noteworthy limitations, at the moment:

  1. children are completely opaque in islands. You can’t iterate over children; in fact they’re all bundled into a single <leptos-children> HTML element.
  2. Similarly, children need to be used in the HTML rendered on the server. If they need to be displayed conditionally, they should be included in the HTML and rendered or not using display: none rather than <Show> or ordinary control flow. This is because the children aren’t serialized at all, other than as HTML: if that HTML isn’t present in the DOM, even if hidden, it is never sent and not available to the client at all.


use leptos::*;

pub fn App() -> impl IntoView {
    // this would panic if it ran in the browser
    // but because this isn't an island, it only runs on the server
    let file =
    let len = file.len();

    view! {
        <p>"The starting value for the button is the file's length."</p>
        // `value` is serialized and given to the island as a prop
        <Island value=len>
            // `file` is only available on the server
            // island props are projected in, so we can nest
            // server-only content inside islands inside server content etc.

pub fn Island(
    #[prop(into)] value: RwSignal<usize>,
    children: Children,
) -> impl IntoView {
    // because `RwSignal<T>` implements `From<T>`, we can pass in a plain
    // value and use it as the starting value of a signal here
    view! {
        <button on:click=move |_| value.update(|n| *n += 1)>