Function leptos_use::whenever

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pub fn whenever<T, DFn, CFn>(source: DFn, callback: CFn) -> impl Fn() + Clone
where DFn: Fn() -> bool + 'static, CFn: Fn(bool, Option<bool>, Option<T>) -> T + Clone + 'static, T: Clone + 'static,
Expand description

Shorthand for watching a signal to be true.


let (is_ready, set_ready) = create_signal(false);

whenever(move || is_ready.get(), |v, _, _| log!("{}", v));

§Callback Function

Same as [watch], the callback will be called with callback(input, prev_input, prev_return).

whenever(move || is_ready.get(), |value, prev_value, _| {
    log!("before: {prev_value:?}; now: {value}");


Same as [watch], you can pass a getter function to calculate on each change.

    move || counter.get() == 7,
    |_, _, _| log!("counter is 7 now!"),


Options and defaults are same as [watch_with_options].

    move || counter.get() == 7,
    |_, _, _| log!("counter is 7 now!"),

§Server-Side Rendering

On the server this works just fine except if you throttle or debounce in which case the callback will never be called except if you set immediate to true in which case the callback will be called exactly once.