Function leptos_use::use_debounce_fn

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pub fn use_debounce_fn<F, R>(
    func: F,
    ms: impl Into<MaybeSignal<f64>> + 'static
) -> impl Fn() -> Rc<RefCell<Option<R>>> + Clone
where F: Fn() -> R + Clone + 'static, R: 'static,
Expand description

Debounce execution of a function.

Debounce is an overloaded waiter: If you keep asking him your requests will be ignored until you stop and give him some time to think about your latest inquiry.


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let mut debounced_fn = use_debounce_fn(
    || {
        // do something

window_event_listener(resize, move |_| { debounced_fn(); });

Please note that if the current component is cleaned up before the throttled callback is called, the throttled callback will not be called.

You can also pass options to use_debounce_fn_with_options with a maximum wait time, similar to lodash debounce.

let mut debounced_fn = use_debounce_fn_with_options(
    || {
        // do something

window_event_listener(resize, move |_| { debounced_fn(); });

Currently there is no way to use a function with a return value. Please open an issue if you need this.

If you want to throttle a function that takes an argument there are also the versions use_debounce_fn_with_arg and use_debounce_fn_with_arg_and_options.

§Server-Side Rendering

Internally this uses setTimeout which is not supported on the server. So usually calling a debounced function on the server will simply be ignored.