Macro lender_derive::for_

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for_!() { /* proc-macro */ }
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Syntax sugar for iterating over a Lender.

This function-like procedural macro expands a syntax of the form


where PATTERN is a valid pattern for a for loop, EXPR is an expression that implements IntoLender and BLOCK is a block of code, into a while let loop that iterates over a Lender obtained from the IntoLender:

let mut ___ඞඞඞlenderඞඞඞ___ = (EXPR).into_lender();
while let Some(PATTERN) = ___ඞඞඞlenderඞඞඞ BLOCK

For example, the following code

for_!(x in 0..10 {
    println!("{}", x);

iterates over the integers [0. .10), printing them, using a Lender obtained by automagically adapting an Iterator (in this case, a Range).

Note that the outer parentheses are part of the standard Rust syntax for function-like procedural macros, and thus can be replaced, for example, with brackets.

For an example of a more complex usage, see the following code, which iterates over the elements of an enum, but only on the first two variants:

enum Three {

pub fn test_bar() {
    for_!(x @ (Three::A | Three::B) in [Three::A, Three::B, Three::C].into_into_lender() {

In this case, since an array is an IntoIterator, but not an Iterator, we need to adapt it manually.

Note that these examples have the sole purpose of showing the syntax of the macro: in these cases a standard iterator would be simpler and more efficient.