[][src]Attribute Macro legion::system


Wraps a function in a system, and generates a new function which constructs that system.

There are three types of systems: simple (default), for_each and par_for_each. By default, the system macro will create a new function named <attributed_fn_name>_system which can be called to construct the system.


By default, the wrapped function is called once each time the system runs.

This example is not tested
fn hello_world() {
   println!("hello world");


The function can request resources with reference parameters marked with the #[resource] attribute.

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fn hello_world(#[resource] person: &Person) {
   println!("hello, {}", person.name);

Systems can also request a world or command buffer.

This example is not tested
fn create_entity(cmd: &mut CommandBuffer) {
   cmd.push((1usize, false, Person { name: "Jane Doe" }));

Systems can declare access to component types with the #[read_component] and #[write_component] attributes.

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fn run_query(world: &mut SubWorld) {
    let mut query = <(&usize, &mut bool)>::query();
    for (a, b) in query.iter_mut(world) {
        println!("{} {}", a, b);

for_each and par_for_each system types can be used to implement the query for you. References will be interpreted as Read<T> and Write<T>, while options of references (e.g. Option<&Position>) will be interpreted as TryRead<T> and TryWrite<T>. You can request the entity ID via a &Entity parameter.

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fn update_positions(pos: &mut Position, vel: &Velocity, #[resource] time: &Time) {
    pos.x += vel.x * time.seconds;

for_each and par_for_each systems can request attitional filters for their query via the #[filter] attribute.

This example is not tested
fn update_positions(pos: &mut Position, vel: &Velocity, #[resource] time: &Time) {
    pos.x += vel.x * time.seconds;

Systems can contain their own state. Add a reference marked with the #[state] parameter to your function. This state will be initialized when you construct the system.

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fn stateful(#[state] counter: &mut usize) {
    *counter += 1;
    println!("state: {}", counter);

     // initialize state when you construct the system

Systems can contain generic parameters.

This example is not tested
fn print_component<T: Component + Debug>(component: &T) {
    println!("{:?}", component);

     // supply generic parameters when constructing the system