Crate leapfrog

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A concurrent hash table which uses leapfrog probing. This map is also lock-free if the key and value support atomic operations. If not, an efficient spin-lock is used instead.

All operations on a LeapMap can be used concurrently with each other, and the map is both fast and scalable up to many threads. The interface for the map has been kept as close as possible to std::collections::HashMap, however, there are some differences to ensure that concurrent operations are always correct without decreasing performance.

The biggest differences between the interface of the LeapMap and the std::collections::HashMap are the types returned by get and get_mut. For the LeapMap, these methods return Ref and RefMut types, respectively, whose interfaces are designed to allow for accessing the cells returned by the those methods concurrently and correctly. As a result, it is not possible to get a reference to a cell’s value, since the cell value type is atomic. The cell’s key, value, and key-value pairs can be accessed with key, value, and key_value methods, respectively for Ref and RefMut types. For the RefMut type, the value can additionally be modified with set_value or update. These interfaces ensure that the most up to date value is loaded/stored/updated, and that if the referenced cell is invalidated/updated/erased by other threads, the Ref/RefMut type is updated appropriately. This makes working concurrently with the map simple, without sacrificing performance.

The map uses leapfrog probing which is similar to hopscotch hashing since it is based off of it. Leapfrog probing stores two offset per cell which are used to traverse a local neighbourhood of values around the cell to which a key hashes. This makes the map operations cache friendly and scalable, even under heavy contention. Keys are also stored, and to allow the LeapMap to still be efficient the hash of a key is also stored, which adds 8 bytes of overhead per key-value pair. This can very likely be improved, but this map is still in its early stages. The LeapMap is designed for performance so if memory efficiency is more important, a different map is likely a better choice.


This crate also provides HashMap, which is an fast single-threaded version of the concurrent lock-free hash map, whose performance is roughly 1.2-1.5x the hash map implementation in the standard library, when using the same hash function. The tradeoff that is currently made to enable this performance is increased memory use, since the map stores the offsets (8 bytes) and the hashed value for a key (8 bytes). This may make the map unsuitable for some use cases.

Hash Functions

By default, the default hash function from the standard library is used for both the HashMap and the LeapMap, since it is DOS resistant. It is, however, more expensive to evaluate. The MurmurHasher can be used instead, which is quite a bit faster but which is not DOS resistant. Additionally, the default initialization of the HashMap and LeapMap data requires that 0 not be used as a key for the map if the MurmurHasher is used. With the default hasher this limitation does not apply. Any other hash functions can be used by creating the maps with with_hasher or with_capacity_and_hasher.


This map has been benchmarked against other hash maps across multiple threads and multiple workloads. The benchmarks can be found here. A snapshot of the results for a read heavy workload are the following (with throughput in Mops/second, cores in brackets, and performance realtive to std::collections::HashMap with RwLock). While these benchmarks show good performance, please take note of the limitations described above, and benchmark for your use case. Please also create an issue if there are either correctness or performance problems for a specific use case. For a read heavy workload on 16 cores the following was benchmarked:

MapThroughput (1)Relative (1)Throughput (16)Relative (16)
RwLock + HashMap19.

On an 12 core M2 Max, the results were the following:

MapThroughput (1)Relative (1)Throughput (12)Relative (12)
RwLock + HashMap21.

On an exchange heavy benchmark, the leapmap was even faster.

The performance of the LeapMap is limited is when rapidly growing the map, since the bottleneck then becomes the resizing (allocation) and migration operations. The map is not designed to be resized often (resizing infrequently has very little impact on performance, however), so it’s best to use an initial capacity which is close to the expected maximum number of elements for the map. The growing performace is slightly worse than DashMap’s growing performance (see the benchmarks). If resizing is frequent, this map is currently not the best choice, however, this can be improved by using a more efficient allocator.


All operations on a LeapMap map are non-blocking, and accessing/updating a value in the map will not lock if the value type has built-in atomic support. The map can be iterated (mutable or immutably) from multiple threads while concurrently calling the operations directly on the map from other threads.


Getting the length of the map does not return the length of the map, but rather an estimate of the length, unless the calling thread is the only thread operating on the map, and therefore there are no other readers or writers. Additionally, the length is expensive to compute since it is not tracked as insertions and removals are performed. The overhead of doing so when under contention was found to be significant during benchmarking, and given that it’s only an estimate, it’s not worth the cost.

The same applies for is_empty.

The size of the map must always be a power of two. This is handled internally and may change in the future to improve memory efficiency.

The value type for the map needs to implement the Value trait, which is simple enough to implement, however, two values need to be chosen: one as a null value and another as a redirect value. For integer types MAX and MAX-1 are used respectively. A good choice is values which are efficient for comparison.


The buckets for the map are expanded when an insertion would result in a offset which would overflow the maximum probe offset (i.e when it’s not possible to find an empty cell within the probe neighbourhood), or shrunk when probes are too far apart. The resizing and subsequent removal of buckets from the old table to the new table will happen concurrently when multiple threads are attempting to modify the map, which makes the reszing efficient. Despite this, it is best to choose a larger size where possible, since it will ensure more stable performance of map operations. When the table is resized, the old memory is cleanup up using what is essentially a quescient based reclaimation strategy.


There is optional support for serde, via the “serde” feature.

Usage with stable

This crate requires the allocator_api feature, which is only available on nightly. To enable use of the crate with the stable toolchain, the "stable_alloc" feature has been added.

If/when the allocator_api feature is no longer experimental, this feature flag will be removed.





  • Trait which represents a value which can be stored in a map.