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Rust bindings to Lean 4’s C API

Functions and comments manually translated from those in the lean.h header provided with Lean 4


pub use array::*;
pub use closure::*;
pub use constructor::*;
pub use dbg::*;
pub use external::*;
pub use fixpoint::*;
pub use init::*;
pub use int::*;
pub use io::*;
pub use nat::*;
pub use primitive::*;
pub use sarray::*;
pub use string::*;
pub use task::*;
pub use thunk::*;



Constructor objects

Debugging helper functions

External objects


Utilities for initializing Lean’s runtime


IO Helper functions

Natural numbers

Primitive operations

Array of scalars





Array arrays

Lean object header.

Scalar arrays

Object of type Task _. The lifetime of a lean_task object can be represented as a state machine with atomic state transitions.

Data required for executing a Lean task. It is released as soon as the task terminates even if the task object itself is still referenced.



Box a usize into a lean_object

Just free memory

Whether an object is reference counted

Whether an object is multi-threaded

Whether this lean object is a scalar

Whether an object is single-threaded

The object size may be slightly bigger for constructor objects. The runtime does not track the size of the scalar size area. All constructor objects are “small”, and allocated into pages. We retrieve their size by accessing the page header. The size of small objects is a multiple of LEAN_OBJECT_SIZE_DELTA

Remark: we don’t need a reference counter for objects that are not stored in the heap. Thus, we use the area to store the object size for small objects.

lean_set_non_heap_header for (potentially) big objects such as arrays and strings.

Enable/disable panic messages

Unbox a lean_object into a usize

Perform a relaxed load of the reference counter of o, which must be a pointer into a valid lean_object

Type Definitions

Borrowed object argument

Borrowed object result

Standard object argument

Standard object result

Unique (aka non shared) object argument