Crate lazyrand

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It is a simple library for generating random numbers easily. The random seed is automatically initialized. But this library is not cryptographically secure. It is based on xoshiro256plusplus.


Generate random number

let num = lazyrand::randint(1, 6);
println!("random number = {}", num);

Generate random number with seed. It can be used to generate the same random number sequence.

let n1 = lazyrand::rand();
let n2 = lazyrand::rand();
let n3 = lazyrand::rand();
println!("nums = [{}, {}, {}]", n1, n2, n3);

Generate random floating point number

let f = lazyrand::rand_f64();
println!("num = {}", f);

§Examples - Shuffle

Shuffle slice

let mut a = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
lazyrand::shuffle(&mut a);
println!("shuffled = {:?}", a);

Choice one element from slice

// choice one number from slice
let mut a = vec![1, 2, 3];
let n = lazyrand::choice(&a);
println!("choice = {:?}", n);
// choice one &str from slice
let mut a = vec!["apple", "banana", "orange"];
let s = lazyrand::choice(&a);
println!("choice = {:?}", s);

§Examples with Random struct

Generate random number with Random struct

let mut random = lazyrand::Random::new();
println!("random number = {}", random.randint(1, 6));



