lastdayofmonth 0.1.1

Calculate all the the last weekdays of a month for a year: ex last Sundays in 2022
lastdayofmonth-0.1.1 is not a library.


Ever want to find all the last Sundays in 2022?

lastdayofmonth --year 2022 --day Sunday

This is an application to get all the last days of all months for a given a year.


cargo build --release

Don't benchmark a testing suite, ever. But if you insist, the test ported 1-to-1 as found in other languages in the Perl Weekly Challange #175. You can run it like this.

cargo test --relesae

Also remember, the first run or build should be discarded as it may included compilation if not already done.


Originally created to get a Rust implementation for Mohammad Sajid Anwar challange 175 for the Perl Weekly Challange.

You can find the Facebook Post on the Perl Community here.