Expand description
this library is meant for use in an event loop. The library exposes, through the Connection struct, a state machine you can drive through IO you manage.
Typically, your code would own the socket and buffers, and regularly pass the input and output buffers to the state machine so it receives messages and serializes new ones to send. You can then query the current state and see if it received new messages for the consumers.
use env_logger;
use lapin_async as lapin;
use log::info;
use crate::lapin::{
BasicProperties, Channel, Connection, ConnectionProperties, ConsumerSubscriber,
struct Subscriber {
channel: Channel,
impl ConsumerSubscriber for Subscriber {
fn new_delivery(&self, delivery: Delivery) {
self.channel.basic_ack(delivery.delivery_tag, BasicAckOptions::default()).as_error().expect("basic_ack");
fn drop_prefetched_messages(&self) {}
fn cancel(&self) {}
fn main() {
let addr = std::env::var("AMQP_ADDR").unwrap_or_else(|_| "amqp://".into());
let conn = Connection::connect(&addr, ConnectionProperties::default()).wait().expect("connection error");
let channel_a = conn.create_channel().wait().expect("create_channel");
let channel_b = conn.create_channel().wait().expect("create_channel");
channel_a.queue_declare("hello", QueueDeclareOptions::default(), FieldTable::default()).wait().expect("queue_declare");
let queue = channel_b.queue_declare("hello", QueueDeclareOptions::default(), FieldTable::default()).wait().expect("queue_declare");
info!("will consume");
channel_b.basic_consume(&queue, "my_consumer", BasicConsumeOptions::default(), FieldTable::default(), Box::new(Subscriber { channel: channel_b.clone() })).wait().expect("basic_consume");
let payload = b"Hello world!";
loop {
channel_a.basic_publish("", "hello", BasicPublishOptions::default(), payload.to_vec(), BasicProperties::default()).wait().expect("basic_publish");
- Utility to handle SASL authentication with AMQP server
- confirmation
Deprecated - message
Deprecated - The AMQ Protocol implementation (Generated)
- Channel
Deprecated - Channel
Status Deprecated - Configuration
Deprecated - Connection
Deprecated - Connection
Properties Deprecated - Connection
Status Deprecated - Error
Deprecated The type of error that can be returned in this crate. - Queue
- Channel
State Deprecated - Connection
State Deprecated - Error
Kind Deprecated The different kinds of errors that can be reported.
- Connect
Deprecated Trait providing a method to connect to an AMQP server - Consumer
Subscriber Deprecated
Type Aliases§
- Type alias for AMQP BasicProperties