lanquetta 0.6.3

A GUI application for calling gRPC services.
lanquetta-0.6.3 is not a library.



A GUI application for testing gRPC services.

Getting started

To get started, click "Add file" in the sidebar and select your .proto file. The file will be automatically compiled and all the services added to the sidebar.

If you have a more complex protobuf file structure (for example, you need to specify additional include paths), you can instead import a file descriptor set. To generate one, run protoc with the --descriptor_set_out argument:

protoc file.proto -I . -I /extra/include --include_imports --descriptor_set_out filedescriptorset.bin


The options button for a service opens a tab which controls default configuration for a service.


Calling your service

The add button for a service method opens a tab where you can call your gRPC service. The history of previous requests and responses is displayed in the bottom pane.
