Module languageserver_types::request [] [src]



The workspace/applyEdit request is sent from the server to the client to modify resource on the client side.


The code action request is sent from the client to the server to compute commands for a given text document and range. The request is triggered when the user moves the cursor into a problem marker in the editor or presses the lightbulb associated with a marker.


The code lens request is sent from the client to the server to compute code lenses for a given text document.


The code lens resolve request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the command for a given code lens item.


The Completion request is sent from the client to the server to compute completion items at a given cursor position. Completion items are presented in the IntelliSense user interface. If computing full completion items is expensive, servers can additionally provide a handler for the completion item resolve request ('completionItem/resolve'). This request is sent when a completion item is selected in the user interface. A typically use case is for example: the 'textDocument/completion' request doesn't fill in the documentation property for returned completion items since it is expensive to compute. When the item is selected in the user interface then a 'completionItem/resolve' request is sent with the selected completion item as a param. The returned completion item should have the documentation property filled in.


The document highlight request is sent from the client to the server to resolve a document highlights for a given text document position. For programming languages this usually highlights all references to the symbol scoped to this file. However we kept 'textDocument/documentHighlight' and 'textDocument/references' separate requests since the first one is allowed to be more fuzzy. Symbol matches usually have a DocumentHighlightKind of Read or Write whereas fuzzy or textual matches use Textas the kind.


The document links request is sent from the client to the server to request the location of links in a document.


The document link resolve request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the target of a given document link.


The document symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list all symbols found in a given text document.


The workspace/executeCommand request is sent from the client to the server to trigger command execution on the server. In most cases the server creates a WorkspaceEdit structure and applies the changes to the workspace using the request workspace/applyEdit which is sent from the server to the client.


The document formatting request is sent from the server to the client to format a whole document.


The goto definition request is sent from the client to the server to resolve the definition location of a symbol at a given text document position.


GotoDefinition response can be single location or multiple ones.


The hover request is sent from the client to the server to request hover information at a given text document position.


The initialize request is sent as the first request from the client to the server. If the server receives request or notification before the initialize request it should act as follows:


The document on type formatting request is sent from the client to the server to format parts of the document during typing.


The document range formatting request is sent from the client to the server to format a given range in a document.


The references request is sent from the client to the server to resolve project-wide references for the symbol denoted by the given text document position.


The rename request is sent from the client to the server to perform a workspace-wide rename of a symbol.


The request is sent from the client to the server to resolve additional information for a given completion item.


The show message request is sent from a server to a client to ask the client to display a particular message in the user interface. In addition to the show message notification the request allows to pass actions and to wait for an answer from the client.


The shutdown request is sent from the client to the server. It asks the server to shut down, but to not exit (otherwise the response might not be delivered correctly to the client). There is a separate exit notification that asks the server to exit.


The signature help request is sent from the client to the server to request signature information at a given cursor position.


The workspace symbol request is sent from the client to the server to list project-wide symbols matching the query string.

