Crate lamport_signature [−] [src]
A Rust implementation of the Lamport one-time signature scheme.
This crate can build only on the nightly
extern crate lamport_signature; extern crate sha2; extern crate rand; use lamport_signature::{PublicKey, PrivateKey, generate_keys}; use sha2::Sha256; use rand::thread_rng; let mut rng = thread_rng(); let (mut private_key, public_key) = generate_keys::<Sha256, _>(&mut rng); let signature = private_key.sign(b"Hello, World!").expect("signing failed"); assert!(public_key.verify(&signature, b"Hello, World!"));
Digest Algorithm
PrivateKey and PublicKey should take the fixed output size digest algorithm types that provided by RustCrypto/hashes as a type argument to construct.
RNG Algorithm
PrivateKey and PublicKey also should take the specified RNG implemented in rust-lang-nursery/rand as an argument to construct.
PrivateKey |
A one-time signing private key. |
PublicKey |
A one-time signing public key. |
Signature |
A signature data generated by PrivateKey. |
Error |
Errors in sign-verify scheme. |
generate_keys |
Generates a PrivateKey and PublicKey at once. |