Module lamellar::darc

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Distributed Atomic Reference Counter– a distributed extension of an Arc called a Darc. The atomic reference counter, Arc, is a backbone of safe concurrent programming in Rust, and, in particular, shared ownership.

The Darc provides a similar abstraction within a distributed environment.

  • Darc’s have global lifetime tracking and management, meaning that the pointed to objects remain valid and accessible as long as one reference exists on any PE.
  • Inner mutability is disallowed by default. If you need to mutate through a Darc use Mutex, RwLock, or one of the Atomic types. Alternatively you can also use a LocalRwDarc or GlobalRwDarc.

Darc’s are intended to be passed via active messages.

  • They allow distributed accesss to and manipulation of generic Rust objects. The inner object can exist on the Rust heap or in a registered memory region.
  • They are instantiated in registered memory regions.


 use lamellar::active_messaging::prelude::*;
 use lamellar::darc::prelude::*;
 use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
 use std::sync::Arc;

 struct DarcAm {
     counter: Darc<AtomicUsize>, //each pe has a local atomicusize

 impl LamellarAm for DarcAm {
     async fn exec(self) {
         self.counter.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst); //this only updates atomic on the executing pe

 fn main(){
     let world = LamellarWorldBuilder::new().build();
     let my_pe = world.my_pe();
     let num_pes = world.num_pes();
     let darc_counter = Darc::new(&world, AtomicUsize::new(0)).unwrap();
     world.exec_am_all(DarcAm {counter: darc_counter.clone()});
     darc_counter.fetch_add(my_pe, Ordering::SeqCst);
     world.wait_all(); // wait for my active message to return
     world.barrier(); //at this point all updates will have been performed
     assert_eq!(darc_counter.load(Ordering::SeqCst),num_pes+my_pe); //NOTE: the value of darc_counter will be different on each PE
