Expand description
Pure untyped lambda calculus in safe Rust.
At the core of this crate is the Term type, which represents an untyped lambda calculus term. A Term can be either a variable, an abstraction, or an application.
Terms are generic over their identifier type - meaning variables and formal parameters are not constrained to being any one particular type such as strings.
Note: Most operations on Terms require the identifier type to impl
ement Clone and Eq, but this is a trivial task.
§Constructing terms
Terms can be constructed within Rust code in many ways.
The simplest (and arguably most elegant) way is the lambda! macro, offering syntax that very closely resembles standard untyped lambda calculus notation. It supports syntax sugar for multiple parameters as well as multiple argument application, making it the most convenient way to construct Terms.
use lamb::*;
let id = lambda!(λ x. x);
let succ = lambda!(λ n s z. s (n s z));
let z = lambda!(λ f. (λ x. f (λ y. x x y)) (λ x. f (λ y. x x y)));
Also provided are the var!, abs!, and app! macros, which support the same syntax sugar, but mainly operate on expressions rather than raw tokens. This makes them a better choice for working with pre-defined Terms, such as those in the [prelude], while still maintaining readability.
use lamb::*;
let inner = lambda!(λ x. f (λ y. x x y));
let z = abs!(f. app!(inner.clone(), inner));
In case these do not suffice, Term’s enum variants and associated functions offer finer control over their construction, at the cost of readability.
§Reducing terms
The primary method of evaluating Terms is β-reduction, which is handled by the BetaReduce trait. It allows implementing different strategies for β-reducing Terms, making this crate highly extendable.
use lamb::*;
let term = lambda!((λ x. z) ((λ w. w w w) (λ w. w w w)));
let reduced = term.beta_reduced(&Normal);
The default impl
ementations of BetaReduce rely on locally nameless representations of Terms in order to safely reduce them without needing to α-convert identifiers.
LocalNamelessTerms can be β-reduced in-place, whereas regular Terms must first be converted to LocalNamelessTerms for β-reduction.
use lamb::*;
let term = lambda!((λ x. z) ((λ w. w w w) (λ w. w w w)));
let mut local_nameless_term = LocalNamelessTerm::from(&term);
Note: Converting a Term to a LocalNamelessTerm also does not consume the original Term, leaving it available for further use if necessary.
pub use term::*;
- Untyped lambda calculus Terms.