Module lair_keystore_api::lair_api[][src]

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Lair api serialization types


Helper traits for core types - you probably don’t need these unless you are implementing new lair core instance logic.


Instructions for how to argon2id pwhash a passphrase for use in deep locking a seed.

Request “crypto_box” encryption.

Request “crypto_box_open” decryption.

Get entry_info for an entry by tag from lair.

Request the private key associated with a tagged wka tls cert.

Initiate communication with the target lair instance.

Request a list of entries from lair.

Instruct lair to generate a new seed from cryptographically secure random data with given tag.

Instruct lair to generate a new wka tls certificate from cryptographically secure random data with given tag.

Request a signature.

Unlock the keystore – this verifies the client to the keystore.

A “crypto_box” encryption response.

A “crypto_box_open” decryption response.

An error response from the remote instance.

Response to a GetEntry request.

Returns the private key associated with a tagged wka tls cert.

The hello response from the target lair instance. This data allows us to verify we are speaking to our expected target.

Respond to a list entries request.

On new seed generation, lair will respond with info about that seed.

On new cert generation, lair will respond with info about that cert.

A signature response.

Sucess / Failure of the unlock request.


Lair Api enum