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Re-exported dependencies.


pub use rpassword;
pub use structopt;
pub use sysinfo;



Filesystem paths in Windows are a total mess. This crate normalizes paths to the most compatible (but still correct) format, so that you don’t have to worry about the mess.

Abstractions for asynchronous programming.

SeedBundle parsing and generation library.

A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator


OneErr to rule them all.

This library provides implementations of Mutex, RwLock, Condvar and Once that are smaller, faster and more flexible than those in the Rust standard library. It also provides a ReentrantMutex type.

This crate connects Rust MessagePack library with serde providing an ability to easily serialize and deserialize both Rust built-in types, the standard library and custom data structures.

Contains Value and ValueRef structs and its conversion traits.


Wrapper types to enable optimized handling of &[u8] and Vec<u8>.

Serde JSON

lib SOdium + haDOKEN = SODOKEN!

A runtime for writing reliable network applications without compromising speed.

A scoped, structured logging and diagnostics system.

rust-url is an implementation of the URL Standard for the Rust programming language.