Derive Macro lady_deirdre_derive::Node

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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A derive macro of the Node trait to construct Syntax Parser using a set of context-free LL(1) grammar rules.

This macro implements a Node trait for the Rust enum type.

An API user specifies Node parse rules directly on enum variants through the macro attributes. The macro analyses these rules validity in compile-time and constructs run-time optimized and error-resistant LL(1) parser of the Token sequences as a Node trait implementation.

In case of invalid definitions or misuse the macro throws descriptive compile-time errors to the macro programmer.

Grammar Specification.

Derive macro application outline:

#[token(MyToken)] // Specifies a Token type.
#[error(MyError)] // Specifies an Error type.
#[skip($Whitespace | $LineBreak)] // Tokens to be auto-skipped during parsing.
enum MyNode {
    #[root] // An entry-point Rule.
    #[rule(foos: Foo*)]
    MyRoot {
        foos: Vec<NodeRef>

    // A Regular Rule.
    #[rule($Foo & field_1: $Bar & field_2: AnotherRule+)]
    Foo {
        field_1: TokenRef,
        field_2: Vec<NodeRef>,

    // A Comment Rule.
    #[rule($CommentStart & ($Whitespace | $Foo)* & $LineBreak?)]

    // ...

Enum variants labeled with #[rule(<expression>)] attributes specify the set of LL(1) grammar rules. And the instances of these variants are products of corresponding rule execution. The expression language is a regular-expression alike language that could refer(possibly in recursive way) other rules.

During the expression execution the parser is capable to track selected Tokens and other referred rule Nodes, and to store their weak references inside the Variant’s product fields. This process called Capturing. A system of Node Variants with captured weak references builds up an Abstract Syntax Tree of the source code.

As the LL(1) grammar cannot express left recursion, an API user cannot express common infix expressions(“mathematical” expressions) with operator precedence directly using this grammar language. To work around this problem, it is assumed that the parser would perform a raw parsing of a sequence of operands and operators ignoring operators’ priority to be post processed later on using Shunting Yard or Pratt parsing algorithms.


  • Parsable Rule. Any Enum variant labeled with #[rule(...)] attribute. Such variants represent LL(1) Grammar rules and the Syntax Tree Nodes produced by these rules.
  • Regular Rule. A Parsable Rule. Defines a regular programming language syntax component(e.g. a function, a class definition, a statement block, etc).
  • Root Rule. A Parsable Rule. A grammar entry-point rule.
  • Comment Rule. A Parsable Rule. Defines a syntax of a comment that could implicitly appear at any site of the source code(except other Comments).
  • Skip Tokens. A set of tokens to be ignored in the Regular and the Root rules during parsing. Such tokens are not ignoring in the Comment Rules.
  • Expression. A matcher of a sequence of Tokens. This is a body of a Parsable Rule or an Inline Expression.
  • Inline Expression. A named Expression to be inline by name directly into any other Expression.
  • Reference. A named reference of a Parsable Rule inside Expression.
  • Capturing. An identifiable part of the expression that either matches a Token or another Rule. The weak references into such Tokens or Rule’s Nodes will be stored in the Variant’s named fields.
  • Leftmost Tokens. A set of first Tokens of sequences of tokens that could be parsed by specified Expression.
  • Rightmost Tokens. A set of last Tokens of sequences of tokens that could be parsed by specified Expression.


Expression language is any combination of the following sentences that fully recognizes a sequence of Tokens.

Token Match.$FooMatches a single token.
Inline.FooIf referred Identifier is an Inline Expression, matches this Expression.
Reference.FooIf referred Identifier is a Parable Rule, descends into this Rule.
Group.(Foo & $Bar)In a pattern “(A)”, sentence A matches.
Sequence Match.Foo & $BarIn a pattern “A & B”, sentence A matches, and then sentence B matches.
Choice Match.Foo | $BarIn a pattern “A | B”, either sentence A matches, or sentence B matches.
Zero or More Repetition.$Foo*In a pattern “A*”, sentence A matches zero or more times.
Zero or More Repetition.$Foo*{$Bar}In a pattern “A*{B}”, sentences A delimitered by B matches zero or more times.
One or More Repetition.$Foo+In a pattern “A+”, sentence A matches one or more times.
One or More Repetition.$Foo+{$Bar}In a pattern “A+{B}”, sentences A delimitered by B matches one or more times.
Optional Match.$Foo?In a pattern “A?”, sentence A fully matches or does not match at all.
Capture.field_1: $FooIn a pattern “id: A”, matches a pattern of A, and stores matching result in the field “id”.

For Binary operators such as Sequence Match(&) and Choice Match(|) the Sequence Match have priority over the Choice Match. Unary operators(*, +, ?, capturing) have priorities over the binary operators. And the Group operator prioritizes anything inside the parenthesis.


  1. There is one and only one Root rule in the Grammar that is a Parser entry point.

  2. The Root Rule cannot be referred by any other Rule. As such the Root Rule is not recurrent.

  3. Any Regular Rule must be directly or indirectly referred by the Root Rule. In other words, any Regular Rule must be distinguished.

  4. Referred Parsable Rule’s Leftmost Tokens cannot conflict with another Tokens in Expression in the same matching position.

    enum MyNode {
        #[rule($A | $B)]
        // Conflicts, because Foo1's leftmost token is $A.
        #[rule($A | Foo1)]
        // Conflicts, because both Foo1 and Foo2 could start with $A.
        #[rule(Foo1 | Foo2)]
        // This is fine, because Foo1 and Foo2 are in the different matching
        // positions.
        #[rule(Foo1 & Foo2)]
  5. All Inline Expression names and Parsable Rules’ variant names must be unique.

  6. The Capturing variable inside a Rule expression cannot capture values of different kinds. For example, Capturing Variable cannot capture Token and Node at the same time.

    enum MyNode {
        // Conflicts, because `capt_1` tries to capture Token and Node at
        // the same time.
        #[rule((capt_1: $SomeToken) & (capt_1: SomeNode))]
        Conflict { capt_1: TokenRef },
        // No conflict, `capt_1` and `capt_2` are two distinct variables.
        #[rule((capt_1: $SomeToken) & (capt_2: SomeNode))]
        Ok { capt_1: TokenRef, capt_2: NodeRef },
  7. Capturing variable type must match variant field’s type.

    enum MyNode {
        // `capt_1` captures a Token, not a Node.
        #[rule(capt_1: $Foo)]
        Error1 { capt_1: NodeRef },
        #[rule(capt_1: $Foo)]
        Ok1 { capt_1: TokenRef },
        // `capt_1` captures a token multiple times.
        #[rule(capt_1: $Foo+)]
        Error2 { capt_1: TokenRef },
        #[rule(capt_1: $Foo+)]
        Ok2 { capt_1: Vec<TokenRef> },
        // Even though $Foo could be matched zero times this is still fine,
        // because TokenRef could be a `TokenRef::nil()` reference.
        #[rule($Bar & capt_1: $Foo?)]
        Ok3 { capt_1: TokenRef },
  8. Comment Rules cannot refer Parsable Rules. And Parsable Rules cannot refer Comments directly.

  9. Skip Tokens cannot be matched in the Root Rule and Regular Rules explicitly. But they can(and should) be matched inside Comment Rule Expression.

  10. Regular and Comment Rules cannot match empty sequences of Tokens.

Error Recovery.

The Macro constructs Syntax Parser with syntax errors recovery capabilities.

Error Recovery is a heuristic process. There are two error recovery strategies: Insert Mode and Panic Mode. The choice between two of them determined by the Macro in every possible parsing situation preliminary during compile-time static analysis of specified grammar.

A particular Parsable Rule enters recovery mode when the next reading Token does not fit any possibility specified by the rule’s Expression in particular parsing state.

For example, if the rule with Expression $Foo & $Bar & $Baz tries to parse a [$Foo, $Baz] sequence, it would successfully match the first Token, but then fail on the second Token($Bar was expected, but $Baz found) entering error recovery mode to fulfill this rule requirements.

In the error recovery mode, if the Parser did not match required Capturing variable, the corresponding Variant field will be set to Nil(TokenRef::nil() or NodeRef::nil()).

Insert Mode.

If the Rule has mismatched one specific Token, and this Token expected to be the only possibility in particular parsing situation, and the next reading Token is the Token expected to be matched after that missing one, the Parser will ignore this mismatch as if the missing Token would be in place(virtually “inserting” this Token).

For example, for $Foo & $Bar & $Baz Expression the Parser would “insert” a Token in the middle of the [$Foo, $Baz] sequence to fulfill Expression’s matching requirements.

When the Insert Mode applicable it has a priority over the Panic Mode.

Panic Mode.

If the syntax error cannot be recovered by the Insert Mode, the Panic Recovery Mode takes place instead.

In Panic Mode the Parser eagerly skips all incoming mismatched Tokens until the possible expected Token found.

For example, for the $Foo & ($Bar | &Baz) & $Aaa Expression and the [$Foo, $Bbb, $Ccc, $Bar, $Aaa] input sequence, the Parser will skip the second and the third Tokens, and then continues parsing process normally.

In Panic Mode token skipping process is usually limited by a set of heuristic contextual assumptions to prevent overuse of recovery strategy. If the Panic Mode cannot fulfill Expression requirements the Parser leaves error recovery mode earlier finishing corresponding Syntax Tree Node as it is, and normally returns control flow to the ancestor’s rule.

There are three possibilities when the Parser could early finish Panic Mode:

  1. Rule’s Expression unambiguously ends with the delimiter token(e.g. a semicolon token in the end of the statement). If the parser encounters such Token, the Panic Mode will be finished earlier.
  2. An API user has explicitly specified a set of Synchronization Rules(using #[synchronization] attribute) to define a global set of synchronization Token pairs. For example, in Rust code block tokens { and } would be a good candidate of such global synchronization. In this case during the Panic Recovery the Parser will count of nesting of such Tokens, and it will early finish Panic Mode when the outer synchronization context termination detected.
  3. If no more Tokens are left in the input sequence.

Type-level attributes.

These attributes meant to be bound with the Enum type.

// Type-level attributes go here.
enum MyNode {
    // ..
  • Token Type.

    Format: #[token(<token type>)].

    Specifies a type of the Source Code tokens. <token type> must be an enum type accessed from the current context, and it must implement a Token trait. It is assumed that the <token type> would be derived by the Token macro, but this is not a strict requirement.

    This attribute is required.

  • Syntax Error Type.

    Format: #[error(<error type>)].

    Specifies a type of the syntax error. This type must be accessed from the current context, and it must implement a From<SyntaxError> trait. In particular the SyntaxError itself fits this requirement.

    This attribute is required.

  • Skip Tokens.

    Format: #[skip(<expression>)].

    Specifies a set of tokens to be auto-ignored in the Root and Regular parsable rules.

    A Whitespace or a Line-break tokens are good candidates for Skip Tokens.

    This attribute is optional.

  • Inline Expression.

    Format: #[define(<name> = <expression>)].

    Defines a named inline expression. These expressions could be further referred inside other regular expressions by <name> (including Parsable Rules and other Inline Expressions).

    The macro interprets such references as direct inlines of the <expression> value.

    Inline expression must be defined before use. As such, inline expression cannot define direct or indirect recursion.

    Inline expression is a mechanism to reuse of frequently repeated fragments of expressions by name.

    Expression’s name must be unique in the entire set of all Inline Expressions and the enum variant names.

    This attribute is optional.

Variant-level attributes.

These attributes meant to be bound with the Enum Variants.

enum MyNode {
    // Variant attributes go here.

    // Variant attributes go here.
    // ...
  • Rule.

    Format: #[rule(<expression>)].

    Defines a Parsable Rule of the enum variant.

    This is an optional attribute, but an API user must define at least one Parsable rule per Grammar, and to also label one Parsable Rule as a Root Rule.

  • Root Rule.

    Format: #[root].

    Specializes a Parsable Rule to be the Grammar entry-point rule.

    This attribute must be bound to the Enum Variant already labeled as a Parsable Rule, but which does not have any other specializations.

  • Comment.

    Format: #[comment].

    Specializes a Parsable Rule to be the Comment Rule.

    This attribute must be bound to the Enum Variant already labeled as a Parsable Rule, but which does not have any other specializations.

    Similarly to Skip Tokens, Comments could appear at any place of any Root or Regular Rule. An API user doesn’t have to refer them explicitly. In contrast to Skip Tokens, the Comment Rule produces a Syntax Tree Node instance.

  • Constructor.

    Format: #[constructor(<enum type constructor>(variable_1, variable_2, ...))].

    Specifies Parsable Rule node’s explicit construction function.

    The Parser will call provided <enum type constructor> function to construct enum’s instance when rule’s expression matches.

    The function must be defined on the enum type as a static function accessible from the current Rust scope, it must accept provided set of Capturing variables, and it must return an instance of this enum type.

    An API user specifies this attribute when the enum’s Variant has non-standard construction mechanism. For example, if the Variant has some non-capturing fields with complex initialization strategy, or if the Variant has anonymous fields.

    This attribute must be bound to the Enum Variant already labeled as a Parsable Rule.

    enum MyNode {
        // ...
        #[rule($Foo & bar: $Bar)]
        SomeVariant(TokenRef, usize),
        // ...
    impl MyNode {
        fn new_some_variant(bar: TokenRef) -> Self {
            Self::SomeVariant(bar, 10)
  • Synchronization.

    Format: #[synchronization].

    Specifies a globally unique nested context for the error recovery synchronization.

    To improve error recovery mechanism it is recommended to some label Regular Rules that represent nested contexts that could frequently appear around the code. For example, in Rust a system of nested code blocks is a good candidate of “synchronization”, because the code blocks could be nested, they frequently appear everywhere in the code, and they have simple pair of enter and leave contextual tokens(“{” and “}”).

    See Panic Mode for details.

    Synchronization Rule must fit the following two requirements:

    1. Expression’s leftmost token and the rightmost token are explicitly and unambiguously defined and distinct to each other.
    2. There are no any other Synchronization rules with the same leftmost and the rightmost tokens.

Field-level attributes.

These attributes meant to be bound with the Enum Variants’ Named Fields.

enum MyNode {
    // ...

    Variant1 {
        // Field attributes go here.
        field_1: usize,
    // ...
  • Default.

    Format: #[default(<value>)].

    Specifies default value of the Variant’s custom field.

    When an API user relies on default Node constructor(a constructor that is overloaded by the Constructor attribute), it is assumed that Variant fields must exactly correspond to the Capturing variables.

    However, an API user can specify custom fields too by labeling them with this attribute. Their values will be set to the <value> expression during the Node constructing.

    enum MyNode {
        // ...
        #[rule($Foo & bar: $Bar)]
        SomeVariant {
            bar: TokenRef, // Will be set to the "bar" Capturing variable.
            baz: usize, // Will be set to "100" as defined in the attribute Value.
        // ...

Json Syntax Example.

#[derive(Node, Clone)]
#[define(ANY = Object | Array | True | False | String | Number | Null)]
pub enum JsonNode {
    #[rule(object: Object)]
    Root { object: NodeRef },

    #[rule($BraceOpen & (entries: Entry)*{$Comma} & $BraceClose)]
    Object { entries: Vec<NodeRef> },

    #[rule(key: $String & $Colon & value: ANY)]
    Entry { key: TokenRef, value: NodeRef },

    #[rule($BracketOpen & (items: ANY)*{$Comma} & $BracketClose)]
    Array { items: Vec<NodeRef> },

    #[rule(value: $String)]
    String { value: TokenRef },

    #[rule(value: $Number)]
    Number { value: TokenRef },


