Expand description
Labrador-LDPC implements a selection of LDPC error correcting codes, including encoders and decoders.
It is designed for use with other Labrador components but does not have any dependencies
on anything (including std
) and thus may be used totally standalone. It is reasonably
efficient on both serious computers and on small embedded systems. Considerations have
been made to accommodate both use cases.
No memory allocations are made inside this crate so most methods require you to pass in an allocated block of memory for them to use. Check individual method documentation for further details.
use labrador_ldpc::LDPCCode;
// Pick the TC128 code, n=128 k=64
// (that's 8 bytes of user data encoded into 16 bytes)
let code = LDPCCode::TC128;
// Generate some data to encode
let txdata: Vec<u8> = (0..8).collect();
// Allocate memory for the encoded data
let mut txcode = vec![0u8; code.n()/8];
// Encode, copying `txdata` into the start of `txcode` then computing the parity bits
code.copy_encode(&txdata, &mut txcode);
// Copy the transmitted data and corrupt a few bits
let mut rxcode = txcode.clone();
rxcode[0] ^= 0x55;
// Allocate some memory for the decoder's working area and output
let mut working = vec![0u8; code.decode_bf_working_len()];
let mut rxdata = vec![0u8; code.output_len()];
// Decode for at most 20 iterations
code.decode_bf(&rxcode, &mut rxdata, &mut working, 20);
// Check the errors got corrected
assert_eq!(&rxdata[..8], &txdata[..8]);
Nomenclature: we use n to represent the code length (number of bits you have to transmit per codeword), k to represent the code dimension (number of useful information bits per codeword), and r to represent the rate k/n, the number of useful information bits per bit transmitted.
Several codes are available in a range of lengths and rates. Current codes come from two sets of CCSDS recommendations, their TC (telecommand) short-length low-rate codes, and their TM (telemetry) higher-length various-rates codes. These are all published and standardised codes which have good performance.
The TC codes are available in rate r=1/2 and dimensions k=128, k=256, and k=512. They are the same codes defined in CCSDS document 231.1-O-1 and subsequent revisions (although the n=256 code is eventually removed, it lives on here as it’s quite useful).
The TM codes are available in r=1/2, r=2/3, and r=4/5, for dimensions k=1024 and k=4096. They are the same codes defined in CCSDS document 131.0-B-2 and subsequent revisions.
For more information on the codes themselves please see the CCSDS publications: https://public.ccsds.org/
The available codes are the variants of the LDPCCode
enum, and pretty much everything
else (encoders, decoders, utility methods) are implemented as methods on this enum.
Which code should I pick?: for short and highly-reliable messages, the TC codes make sense, especially if they need to be decoded on a constrained system such as an embedded platform. For most other data transfer, the TM codes are more flexible and generally better suited.
The very large k=16384 TM codes have not been included due to the complexity in generating their generator matrices and the very long constants involved, but it would be theoretically possible to include them. The relevant parity check constants are already included.
§Generator Matrices
To encode a codeword, we need a generator matrix, which is a large binary matrix of shape k rows by n columns. For each bit set in the data to encode, we sum the corresponding row of the generator matrix to find the output codeword. Because all our codes are systematic, the first k bits of our codewords are exactly the input data, which means we only need to encode the final n-k parity bits at the end of the codeword.
These final n-k columns of the generator are stored in a compact form, where only a small number of the final rows are stored, and the rest can be inferred from those at runtime. Our encoder methods just use this compact form directly, so it doesn’t ever need to be expanded.
The relevant constants are in the codes.compact_generators
module, with names like TC128_G
§Parity Check Matrices
These are the counterpart to the generator matrices of the previous section. They are used by the decoders to work out which bits are wrong and need to be changed. When fully expanded, they are a large matrix with n-k rows (one per parity check) of n columns (one per input data bit, or variable). We can store and use them in an extremely compact form due to the way these specific codes have been constructed.
The constants are in codes.compact_parity_checks
and reflect the construction defined
in the CCSDS documents.
There are two encoder methods implemented on LDPCCode
: encode
and copy_encode
is a convenience wrapper that copies your data to encode into the codeword
memory first, and then performs the encode as usual. In comparison, encode
requires that
your data is already at the start of the codeword memory, and just fills in the parity bits
at the end. It doesn’t take very much time to do the copy, so use whichever is more convenient.
The encode methods require you to pass in a slice of allocated codeword memory, &mut [T]
which must be n
bits long exactly. You can pass this as slices of u8
, u32
, or u64
. In
general the larger types will encode up to three times faster, so it’s usually worth using
them. They are interpreted as containing your data in little-endian, so you can directly
cast between the &[u8]
and larger interpretations on all little-endian systems (which is to
say, most systems).
The encode methods always return an &mut [u8]
view on the codeword memory, which you
can use if you need this type for further use (such as transmission out of a radio), or if you
ignore the return value you can continue using your original slice of codeword memory.
let code = LDPCCode::TC128;
// Encode into u32, but then access results as u8
let mut codeword: [u32; 4] = [0x03020100, 0x07060504, 0x00000000, 0x00000000];
let txcode = code.encode(&mut codeword);
assert_eq!(txcode, [0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07,
0x34, 0x99, 0x98, 0x87, 0x94, 0xE1, 0x62, 0x56]);
// Encode into u64, but maintain access as a u64 afterwards
let mut codeword: [u64; 2] = [0x0706050403020100, 0x0000000000000000];
code.encode(&mut codeword);
assert_eq!(codeword, [0x0706050403020100, 0x5662E19487989934]);
The required memory (in bytes) to encode with each code is:
Code | Input (RAM) | Output (RAM) | Generator const (text) |
=k/8 | =n/8 | ||
TC128 | 8 | 16 | 32 |
TC256 | 16 | 32 | 64 |
TC512 | 32 | 64 | 128 |
TM1280 | 128 | 160 | 1024 |
TM1536 | 128 | 192 | 1024 |
TM2048 | 128 | 256 | 1024 |
TM5120 | 512 | 640 | 4096 |
TM6144 | 512 | 768 | 4096 |
TM8192 | 512 | 1024 | 4096 |
There are two decoders available:
- The low-memory decoder,
, uses a bit flipping algorithm with hard information. This is maybe 1 or 2dB from optimal for decoding, but requires much less RAM and is usually a few times faster. It’s only really useful on something very slow or with very little memory available. - The high-performance decoder,
, uses a modified min-sum decoding algorithm with soft information to perform near-optimal decoding albeit slower and with much higher memory overhead. This decoder can operate on a variety of types for the soft information, with corresponding differences in the memory overhead.
The required memory (in bytes) to decode with each code is:
Code | Hard input | Soft input | Output | Parity const | bf overhead | mp overhead |
(bf , RAM) | (mp , RAM) | (RAM) | (text) | (RAM) | (RAM) | |
=n/8 | =n*T | =(n+p)/8 | ||||
TC128 | 16 | 128T | 16 | 132 | 128 | 1280T + 8 |
TC256 | 32 | 256T | 32 | 132 | 256 | 2560T + 16 |
TC512 | 64 | 512T | 64 | 132 | 512 | 5120T + 32 |
TM1280 | 160 | 1280T | 176 | 366 | 1408 | 12160T + 48 |
TM1536 | 192 | 1536T | 224 | 366 | 1792 | 15104T + 96 |
TM2048 | 256 | 2048T | 320 | 366 | 2560 | 20992T + 192 |
TM5120 | 640 | 5120T | 704 | 366 | 5632 | 48640T + 192 |
TM6144 | 768 | 6144T | 896 | 366 | 7168 | 60416T + 384 |
TM8192 | 1024 | 8192T | 1280 | 366 | 10240 | 83968T + 768 |
reflects the size of the type for your soft information: for i8
this is 1, for i16
for i32
and f32
it’s 4, and for f64
it is 8. You should use a type commensurate with
the quality of your soft information; usually i16
would suffice for instance.
Both decoders require the same output storage and parity constants. The bf
decoder takes
smaller hard inputs and has a much smaller working area, while the mp
decoder requires
soft inputs and uses soft information internally, requiring a larger working area.
The required sizes are available both at compile-time in the CodeParams
consts, and at
runtime with methods on LDPCCode
such as decode_ms_working_len()
. You can therefore
allocate the required memory either statically or dynamically at runtime.
Please see the individual decoder methods for more details on their requirements.
§Bit Flipping Decoder
This decoder is based on the original Gallagher decoder. It is not very optimal but is fast. The idea is to see which bits are connected to the highest number of parity checks that are not currently satisfied, and flip those bits, and iterate until things get better. However, this routine cannot correct erasures (it only knows about bit flips). All of the TM codes are punctured, which means some parity bits are not transmitted and so are unknown at the receiver. We use a separate algorithm to decode the erasures first, based on a paper by Archonta, Kanistras and Paliouras, doi:10.1109/MOCAST.2016.7495161.
§Message Passing Decoder
This is a modified min-sum decoder that computes the probability of each bit being set given
the other bits connected to it via the parity check matrix. It takes soft information in,
so inherently covers the punctured codes as well. This implementation is based on one described
by Savin, arXiv:0803.1090. It is both reasonably efficient (no atahn
required), and
performs very close to optimal sum-product decoding.
pub use codes::LDPCCode;
- codes
- This module contains the available LDPC codes, and the associated constants and methods to load their generator and parity check matrices.
- decoder
- This module provides decoding functions for turning codewords into data.
- encoder
- This module provides the encoding function for turning data into codewords.