Function l337_redis::async_transaction[][src]

pub async fn async_transaction<C, K, T, F, Args>(
    con: &mut C,
    keys: &[K],
    args: &mut Args,
    func: F
) -> RedisResult<T> where
    C: ConnectionLike,
    K: ToRedisArgs,
    F: for<'a> FnMut(&'a mut C, &'a mut Pipeline, &'a mut Args) -> BoxFuture<'a, RedisResult<Option<T>>>, 

Rewite of redis::transaction for use with an async connection. It is assumed that the fn’s return value will be the return value of Pipeline::query_async. Returning None from this fn will cause it to be re-run, as that is the value returned from Pipeline::query_async when run in atomic mode, and the watched keys are modified somewhere else.

use redis::AsyncCommands;
use futures::prelude::*;
let key = "the_key";
let mut count = 0i32;
let (new_val,) : (isize,) = l337_redis::async_transaction(&mut con, &[key], &mut count, |con, pipe, count_ref| async move {
    *count_ref += 1;
    let old_val : isize = con.get(key).await?;
        .set(key, old_val + 1).ignore()
println!("The incremented number is: {}", new_val);