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Traits and implementations for the QUIC cryptography protocol

The protocol logic in Quinn is contained in types that abstract over the actual cryptographic protocol used. This module contains the traits used for this abstraction layer as well as a single implementation of these traits that uses ring and rustls to implement the TLS protocol support.

Note that usage of any protocol (version) other than TLS 1.3 does not conform to any published versions of the specification, and will not be supported in QUIC v1.


  • TLS interface based on rustls



  • A key for sealing data with AEAD-based algorithms
  • Client-side configuration for the crypto protocol
  • A pseudo random key for HKDF
  • Keys used to protect packet headers
  • A key for signing with HMAC-based algorithms
  • Keys used to protect packet payloads
  • Server-side configuration for the crypto protocol
  • A cryptographic session (commonly TLS)