Crate kv

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kv is a simple way to embed a key/value store in Rust applications. It is built using sled and aims to be as lightweight as possible while still providing a nice high level interface.

Getting started

use kv::*;

#[derive(serde::Serialize, serde::Deserialize, PartialEq)]
struct SomeType {
    a: i32,
    b: i32

fn run() -> Result<(), Error> {
    // Configure the database
    let mut cfg = Config::new("./test/example1");

    // Open the key/value store
    let store = Store::new(cfg)?;

    // A Bucket provides typed access to a section of the key/value store
    let test = store.bucket::<Raw, Raw>(Some("test"))?;

    let key = Raw::from(b"test");
    let value = Raw::from(b"123");

    // Set test = 123
    test.set(&key, &value)?;
    assert!(test.get(&key).unwrap().unwrap() == value);
    assert!(test.get(&b"something else".into()).unwrap() == None);

    // Integer keys
    let aaa = store.bucket::<Integer, String>(Some("aaa"))?;
    let key = Integer::from(1);
    let value = String::from("Testing");
    aaa.set(&key, &value);

    #[cfg(feature = "json-value")]
        // Using a Json encoded type is easy, thanks to Serde
        let bucket = store.bucket::<&str, Json<SomeType>>(None)?;

        let k = "example";
        let x = Json(SomeType {a: 1, b: 2});
        bucket.set(&k, &x)?;

        let x: Json<SomeType> = bucket.get(&k)?.unwrap();

        for item in bucket.iter() {
            let item = item?;
            let key: String = item.key()?;
            let value = item.value::<Json<SomeType>>()?;
            println!("key: {}, value: {}", key, value);

        // A transaction
        bucket.transaction(|txn| {
            txn.set(&"x", &Json(SomeType {a: 1, b: 2}))?;
            txn.set(&"y", &Json(SomeType {a: 3, b: 4}))?;
            txn.set(&"z", &Json(SomeType {a: 5, b: 6}))?;



Define a codec type and implement the Codec trait


Batch update

Codec implementation

Provides typed access to the key/value store

Config is used to create a new store

Integer key type

Key/value pair

Iterator over Bucket keys and values

Codec implementation

Codec implementation

Codec implementation

Store is used to read/write data to disk using sled


Subscribe to key updated


Error type

Event is used to describe the type of update


Base trait for values that can be encoded using serde

A Key can be used as a key to a database

A trait used to convert between types and Raw


Abort a transaction

Type Definitions

Raw is an alias for sled::IVec

Transaction error