[][src]Module kuska_sodiumoxide::crypto::secretstream

Stream encryption/file encryption

This high-level API encrypts a sequence of messages, or a single message split into an arbitrary number of chunks, using a secret key, with the following properties:

  • Messages cannot be truncated, removed, reordered, duplicated or modified without this being detected by the decryption functions.
  • The same sequence encrypted twice will produce different ciphertexts.
  • An authentication tag is added to each encrypted message: stream corruption will be detected early, without having to read the stream until the end.
  • Each message can include additional data (ex: timestamp, protocol version) in the computation of the authentication tag.
  • Messages can have different sizes.
  • There are no practical limits to the total length of the stream, or to the total number of individual messages.
  • Ratcheting: at any point in the stream, it is possible to "forget" the key used to encrypt the previous messages, and switch to a new key.

This API can be used to securely send an ordered sequence of messages to a peer. Since the length of the stream is not limited, it can also be used to encrypt files regardless of their size.

It transparently generates nonces and automatically handles key rotation.

The crypto_secretstream_*() API was introduced in libsodium 1.0.14.


use sodiumoxide::crypto::secretstream::{gen_key, Stream, Tag};

let msg1 = "some message 1";
let msg2 = "other message";
let msg3 = "final message";

// initialize encrypt secret stream
let key = gen_key();
let (mut enc_stream, header) = Stream::init_push(&key).unwrap();

// encrypt first message, tagging it as message.
let ciphertext1 = enc_stream.push(msg1.as_bytes(), None, Tag::Message).unwrap();

// encrypt second message, tagging it as push.
let ciphertext2 = enc_stream.push(msg2.as_bytes(), None, Tag::Push).unwrap();

// encrypt third message, tagging it as final.
let ciphertext3 = enc_stream.push(msg3.as_bytes(), None, Tag::Final).unwrap();

// initialize decrypt secret stream
let mut dec_stream = Stream::init_pull(&header, &key).unwrap();

// decrypt first message.
let (decrypted1, tag1) = dec_stream.pull(&ciphertext1, None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tag1, Tag::Message);
assert_eq!(msg1.as_bytes(), &decrypted1[..]);

// decrypt second message.
let (decrypted2, tag2) = dec_stream.pull(&ciphertext2, None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tag2, Tag::Push);
assert_eq!(msg2.as_bytes(), &decrypted2[..]);

// decrypt last message.
let (decrypted3, tag3) = dec_stream.pull(&ciphertext3, None).unwrap();
assert_eq!(tag3, Tag::Final);
assert_eq!(msg3.as_bytes(), &decrypted3[..]);

// dec_stream is now finalized.


pub use self::xchacha20poly1305::*;


