[][src]Trait kul_core::SourceStream

pub trait SourceStream<DA>: Iterator<Item = SourceIterItem<<DA::TT as TextBase>::Pos>> where
    DA: DatumAllocator
{ fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<&Self::Item>;
fn next_accum(
        &mut self,
        dalloc: &mut DA
    ) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, AllocError>;
fn accum_done(&mut self, dalloc: &mut DA) -> Result<DA::TT, AllocError>; }

A stream of characters that might know its characters' positions in the source it is from.

It may be used with streaming sources that might consume or destroy the source and so can be iterated only once. Or it may be used with sources that can be iterated more than once by each time constructing new iterators that implement this trait.

It is able to accumulate its iterated items, when its next_accum method is called, until its accum_done method is called, and this may be done multiple times. The supertrait next method will be called instead when the next item must not be accumulated, as determined by first using the peek method to check, which is used to exclude escape characters from the results of this crate's parsing.

After the next_accum method has been called and returned some item, the next method should not be called before the accum_done method is called, to avoid interfering with a pending accumulation. If next is called in this case, the pending accumulation will be silently dropped.

Required methods

fn peek(&mut self) -> Option<&Self::Item>

Returns a reference to the next item's value without advancing the iterator and without interfering with any pending accumulation.

fn next_accum(
    &mut self,
    dalloc: &mut DA
) -> Result<Option<Self::Item>, AllocError>

Get the next item, if any, and add it to a pending, or start a new, accumulation, and return the item.

When there is None next item, any pending accumulation is preserved.

The DatumAllocator argument may be used by some implementing types but is often ignored. If ignored, the result should always be Ok, else an allocator error may be possible.

fn accum_done(&mut self, dalloc: &mut DA) -> Result<DA::TT, AllocError>

Take any pending accumulation and return it as a new text, or return an empty text if there was nothing pending.

The accumulation state is reset to nothing.

This is the primary constructor of the text values returned by the Parsers.

The DatumAllocator argument may be used by some implementing types but is often ignored. If ignored, the result should always be Ok, else an allocator error may be possible.

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impl<'l, TT, DA> SourceStream<DA> for Iter<'l, TT> where
    TT: TextConcat<DA>,
    TT::Chunk: 'l,
    DA: DatumAllocator<TT = TT>, 

SourceStream is only implemented where a Text type is a TextConcat.

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