[][src]Type Definition kul_core::premade::inmem::OperatorBindings

type OperatorBindings<'input, 'alloc, 'funs, 'bind, Extra = (), CombinerError = ()> = PairOperatorBindings<BindingsSlice<'input, 'alloc, 'funs, 'bind, Extra, CombinerError>, DatumAllocator<'input, 'alloc, Extra>, OperativeRef<'input, 'alloc, 'funs, Extra, CombinerError>, ApplicativeRef<'input, 'alloc, 'funs, Extra, CombinerError>, CombinerError>;

Chosen so that you may establish bindings using an immutable slice of pairs (2-tuples) and with flexible trait objects for the function types.

This OperatorBindings type is a PairOperatorBindings that binds operator sub-forms, as our Datum type, to Combiner macro functions/closures, as &dyn trait objects.

The Extra type parameter determines the type used in the Datum::Extra variant of our Datum type. It defaults to ().

The CombinerError type parameter determines the type used in the Error::FailedCombiner variant of the crate's error type which your Combiner functions may return. It defaults to ().