Crate kucoin_rs[][src]

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kucoin_rs is an open source library SDK/API wrapper for the Kucoin Cryptocurrency Exchange.

Trading cryptocurrencies is high risk and there are no guarentees towards the stability or effectiveness of this project. Comments, contributions, stars and donations are, however, all welcome.


kucoin_rs supports all currently available Kucoin REST and Websocket endpoints. It is designed to be async and relies primarily on the tokio async runtime, reqwest for the HTTP layer and tokio_tungstenite for the Websocket layer.

For the official API documentation visit Kucoin Docs.

Please be aware that due to the nature of a number of endpoints, the response structs and input parameters of several requests may contain Option<T> and will require appropriate pattern matching. These generally coincide with optional input params which can be seen by visiting the official Kucoin API documentation noted above.

See the Kucoin Client for all endpoint fn calls and required/optional input types, and endpoint models for specifics:

These project docs also provide details regarding necessary input parameters and response structs, helping to identify cases where Option<T> matching is and is not necessary.

Getting Started

The library can be used either directly through the git repository or by utilizing cargo and installing the desired version. Once the library is accessible, simply bring the extern crate into your project.

If you want information on particular endpoints, please review the library documentation.


Authorization is required for many of the endpoints. The Kucoin Client handles all header construction but does require that the client is initialized with credentials to do so. To include credentials do the following:

use kucoin_rs::kucoin::client::{Kucoin, Credentials, KucoinEnv};

let credentials = Credentials::new(
        "xxxxxxxxxxxxxXXXXXXxxx",           // API KEY
        "XXxxxxx-xxxxxx-xXxxxx-xxxx",       // SECRET KEY
        "xxxxxx"                            // PASSPHRASE

let api = Kucoin::new(KucoinEnv::Live, Some(credentials));

A non-authorized client can be used for accessing Public Endpoints by inputting a None: Kucoin::new(KucoinEnv::Live, None);


Below are some basic examples.

Private endpoints require an authorized client. Check above for further details on initializing kucoin_rs with appropriate credentials to access private endpoints

REST Usage

REST calls, like Websocket connections, require first setting up the client. Once the client is setup, calls can be made in whatever ways suit end-users’ needs.

Please note that endpoints have varying amounts of input parameter requirements and options. Required parameters are always direct inputs but types may vary. Optional requirements are wrapped in Option<T>, so be aware that a large number of calls require None or Some(T). inputs. The endpoints with signficant number of options take advantage of builder methods on optional structs. This documention provides details of where this is necessary. To check for specific endpoints, see: Kucoin Client. Optional structs with builders will be identified in the fn signatures.

A simple example is:

extern crate kucoin_rs;

use kucoin_rs::tokio;
use kucoin_rs::failure;
use kucoin_rs::kucoin::client::{Kucoin, Credentials, KucoinEnv};

async fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error>  {
    let api = Kucoin::new(KucoinEnv::Sandbox, None)?;
    let result = api.get_ticker("BTC-USDT").await?;
    match {
        Some(d) => println!("{:#?}", d),
        None => println!("Code: {}, msg: {:#?}", result.code, result.msg),

An example with custom error handling is:

extern crate kucoin_rs;

use kucoin_rs::tokio;
use kucoin_rs::failure;
use kucoin_rs::kucoin::client::{Kucoin, Credentials, KucoinEnv};
use kucoin_rs::kucoin::error::APIError;

async fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error>  {
   let result = api.get_server_time().await;
   match result {
       Err(e) => {
           match e {
               APIError::HTTP(e) => eprintln!("Reqwest Error: {}", e),
               _ => eprintln!("Non HTTP Error: {}", e),
       Ok(s) => {
           match {
               Some(d) => println!("{:#?}", d),
               None => println!("Code: {}, msg: {:#?}", s.code, s.msg),

Websocket Usage

Websockets require several steps to initalize. A single websocket can accept up to 10 subscriptions, as per Kucoin limitations. Due to this, the instantiation of the socket takes a Vec<WSTopic>. The reason is because multiple subscriptions can be initialized from one call. Below is a simplified single subscription with a line-by-line short explanation including some basic options for specified error handling.

extern crate kucoin_rs;

use kucoin_rs::tokio;
use kucoin_rs::failure;
use kucoin_rs::tokio::stream::StreamExt;

use kucoin_rs::kucoin::client::{Kucoin, Credentials, KucoinEnv};
use kucoin_rs::kucoin::model::websocket::{Subscribe, KucoinWebsocketMsg, WSType, WSTopic, WSResp};

async fn main() -> Result<(), failure::Error>  {
    // If credentials are needed, generate a new Credentials struct w/ the necessary keys
    let credentials = Credentials::new(

    // Initialize the Kucoin API struct
    let api = Kucoin::new(KucoinEnv::Live, Some(credentials))?;
    // Generate the dynamic Public or Private websocket url and endpoint from Kucoin
    // which includes a token required for connecting
    let url = api.get_socket_endpoint(WSType::Public).await?;
    // Initialize the websocket
    let mut ws = api.websocket();

    // Generate a Vec<WSTopic> of desired subs. Note they need to be public or private
    // depending on the url
    let subs = vec![WSTopic::Ticker(vec!["BTC-USDT".to_string()])];
    // Initalize your subscription and use await to unwrap the future   
    ws.subscribe(url, subs).await?;
    // Handle incoming responses matching messages. Note, the message matching is
    // not required for a single subscription but may be desired
    // for more complex event handling for multi-subscribed sockets add the additional
    // KucoinWebSocketMsg matches.
    while let Some(msg) = ws.try_next().await? {
        match msg {
            KucoinWebsocketMsg::TickerMsg(msg) => println!("{:#?}", msg),
            KucoinWebsocketMsg::PongMsg(msg) => println!("{:#?}", msg),     // Optional
            KucoinWebsocketMsg::WelcomeMsg(msg) => println!("{:#?}", msg),  // Optional
            _ => (),

KucoinWebsocketMsg has all the message response types available and can be referenced to identify desired endpoints.

WSTopic has all the available websocket topics/endpoints that are available for subscription.

Note that Level3 data has been separated by message type despite it requiring only a single subscription. All other subscriptions coincide 1:1 with their response type and KucoinWebsocketMsg, excluding their Ping, Pong and Welcome messages. Ping, Pong and Welcome can be tracked through their own match arm. The reasoning for this exception is that for the majority of use cases, each Level3 message has to be handled in its own way to properly construct an orderbook. By separating the messages by type from the incoming stream at the library level, it helps to reduce duplication for the end user.

Error Handling

kucoin_rs uses the failure crate to propagate errors. Kucoin REST errors are passed as part of the response structs, however by default, reqwest errors panic. For websocket endpoints, similarly, by default most protocol and connection errors will panic. Use of ? will result in panics as well. End users can however
use the custom APIError enum to match error responses which provide non panic alternatives allowing for specified error handling. Users can also implement their own more comprehensive solutions.


Contributions are more than welcome for fixing bugs, writing further documentation, writing further tests, adding features or helping to improve performance. I’ll do my best to review and implement pull requests.


Donations are always appreciated and help support development of more open source trading tools.

BTC: 3KvTuAnv7o2VAf4LGgg1MiDURd2DgjFGaa

ETH: 0x7713a223e0e86355ac02b1e0de77695e822071cf

NEO: AWngpjmoXPHiJH6rtf81brPiyPomYAqe8j

Contact me for any other specific cryptocurrencies you’d prefer to use.


This project is open source and uses the MIT license. Feel free to utilize it in whatever way you see fit.


pub extern crate failure;
pub extern crate futures;
pub extern crate pin_project;
pub extern crate reqwest;
pub extern crate serde;
pub extern crate serde_derive;
pub extern crate serde_json;
pub extern crate tokio;
pub extern crate tokio_native_tls;
pub extern crate tokio_tungstenite;
pub extern crate tungstenite;
pub extern crate url;



Kucoin API Module